12 hours ago Top 14 Ce qui attend Antoine Dupont d'ici son retour sur les terrains
Après sa rupture des ligaments croisés du genou, Antoine Dupont devrait retrouver les terrains dans un « délai idéal » de …
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Inscription gratuiteAprès sa rupture des ligaments croisés du genou, Antoine Dupont devrait retrouver les terrains dans un « délai idéal » de …
Lancé par l'Afrique du Sud et utilisé avec succès depuis deux matchs par l'équipe de France, le banc comprenant sept avants su…
Le sélectionneur de l’Ecosse a suivi de près la déculottée de l’Irlande par la France et a pris des notes sur son futur ad…
« Difficile de croire à l’innocence des Irlandais ici, tant leur passif, prouvé ou non, parle pour eux », écrit l'ancien in…
The first quality team England played, first loss! Really favoured by the pool draw! If SA had taken their shots at goal, early on, they would have romped home!
Well played England. That was tough as hell.
These long waits until a 21:00 game are unbearable.
Anyway, better take the meat out the freezer for the braai later.
This whole week, I couldn’t put a finger on it, but I felt like there was going to be an upset this weekend.
Now that the Proteas have won, and that feeling has gone away…
9pm in France is 9pm in SA. not 3pm . Gave me a slight murmer of the heart.
OKeefe will try to make sure that England face the All Blacks in the final. Much easier forbthe AB.
Poor England, afraid of playing saturday night with wet balls. Make sure theres plenty of towels.
Count England out .
The determination of the Springboks underestimated by those that think that England stand a chance .
The Springboks will win their second world cup in France
I agree, Boks are good, but dont count England out.
Of course Springboks rule!
Never underestimate, self confident but not arrogant and just play the ball with skill and strength!