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Après avoir évité la catastrophe, Biarritz se prépare à sortir du bois

L'ancien joueur de rugby Shaun Hegarty (G) et le désormais ex-président du Biarritz Olympique Jean-Baptiste Aldigé s'adressent à la presse au stade Aguilera de Biarritz, le 5 avril 2024. (Photo by GAIZKA IROZ / AFP) (Photo by GAIZKA IROZ/AFP via Getty Images)

Le club historique de Biarritz est passé à la vitesse supérieure après que l’autorité de surveillance financière du rugby français a finalement validé la viabilité financière du club et confirmé son statut en ProD2 pour la saison prochaine, quelques semaines après avoir été vendu à l’euro symbolique.


Shaun Hegarty, Flip Van Der Merwe et Marc Baget ont acheté le club pour 1€ au début du mois d’avril, marquant ainsi la fin d’une période d’incertitudes dans l’histoire du Biarritz Olympique.

C’est du moins ce qu’espéraient les supporters. Mais les turbulences se sont poursuivies en dehors du terrain, même après que les joueurs et l’entraîneur Simon Mannix, aujourd’hui sélectionneur du Portugal, ont réussi à confirmer leur place en ProD2.

Manque de clarté sur les fonds du club

Le manque de clarté concernant l’argent a suffi à inquiéter l’Autorité de Régulation du Rugby (A2R), le gendarme financier du rugby professionnel français, qui a convoqué les nouveaux dirigeants du club pour une réunion cruciale afin d’expliquer exactement d’où venaient les fonds promis.

Sans l’approbation de l’A2R, Biarritz risquait d’être renvoyé dans les ligues amateurs, tandis que Rouen – relégué lors d’une dernière soirée dramatique de la saison régulière de ProD2 en mai – bénéficiait d’un sursis.

Avant la confirmation officielle de son maintien en ProD2, qui est intervenue six jours après la réunion, le club a nommé l’ancien troisième-ligne du Munster puis de la Section Paloise et ex-entraîneur de la défense de Toulon, James Coughlan, au poste de directeur sportif, et Boris Bouhraoua à celui d’entraîneur principal.

L’une des premières tâches de ce dernier a été, semble-t-il, d’informer les joueurs et le staff que les salaires qui devaient être versés le 5 juin seraient retardés de quelques jours.

Malgré ce contretemps, l’A2R a provisoirement reconnu que Biarritz était une entreprise de rugby viable. Les salaires dus ont été payés, au fur et à mesure que l’argent se présentait. Et la machine s’est mise en route.

Le recrutement déjà lancé

Le démarrage est lent et régulier. Les propriétaires ne s’attendent pas à être à plein régime avant un certain temps. Mais ils espèrent au moins aller dans la bonne direction malgré des questions budgétaires encore à régler.


Le lendemain de l’approbation de l’A2R, Coughlan a annoncé lors d’une conférence de presse que Piula Fa’asalele rejoindrait Toulouse cet été. Dans les 24 heures qui ont suivi, Kylian Jaminet, de Nevers, et Arthur Bonneval, de Brive, ont confirmé leur arrivée dans le sud-ouest de la France.

Le talonneur de Clermont Yohan Beheregaray, le troisième-ligne d’Oyonnax Filimo Taofifenua et l’ailier de Montauban Bastien Guillemin sont également attendus au Parc des Sports Aguilera la saison prochaine. D’autres nouvelles recrues sont attendues pour combler les trous laissés par une douzaine de départs confirmés, tandis que les relances de contrats qui avaient été retardées par l’incertitude sont maintenant confirmées.

Mais la reconstruction d’une équipe senior pour une nouvelle campagne de ProD2 qui débutera en août n’est qu’une partie d’un ensemble plus vaste dont le président du club, Hegarty, commence maintenant à parler plus ouvertement.

Former au sein du club

La désignation de Boris Bouhraoua est essentielle, même par rapport à Coughlan. Il rejoint le club après avoir été directeur de l’académie du Stade français et avoir été entraîneur de rugby à la Napier School en Nouvelle-Zélande. Au-delà des questions quotidiennes relatives à l’équipe senior, les deux hommes se concentreront sur la chaîne de production de l’académie afin de développer des joueurs prêts pour la ProD2.

Comme l’a expliqué Coughlan aux journalistes : « Nous voulons former des joueurs et les garder au club. L’objectif est que 30 % de nos joueurs [soient passés par les catégories d’âge] au sein du club ». Il s’agit de la priorité numéro un pour les trois prochaines saisons.


Les nouveaux patrons prévoient un premier budget global d’environ 9 millions d’euros par an pour les trois prochaines années, le temps d’assainir les finances du club.

Trois ans pour assainir les finances du club

En l’état, les nouveaux propriétaires, adossés à un trust financier – une première pour le rugby professionnel en France -, ont un plan à trois ans, à cinq ans et à huit ans.

« Nous ne voulons pas dépenser de l’argent que nous n’avons pas », a déclaré le directeur général Arnaud Dubois lors d’une conférence de presse. « Mais ce n’est pas parce que nous avons un budget modeste que nous n’avons pas d’ambition.

« Biarritz a connu des périodes sombres. Nous nous sommes fixé une période de trois saisons sportives pour le stabiliser… [d’abord] nous voulons établir une base solide. »

Au cours de cette première période de trois ans, l’amélioration de l’accès au rugby senior par le biais des catégories jeunes, qui sont gérées par une association amateur liée au club professionnel qui est également enregistré auprès de la FFR, fera l’objet de l’attention des propriétaires autant que de celle des entraîneurs. C’est la première étape d’une vision en trois étapes et sur huit ans.

Selon Hegarty, la deuxième phase sera consacrée au réaménagement du stade d’Aguilera, qui n’est plus en état d’être vendu. Ensuite, « nous pourrons envisager de passer à l’échelon supérieur et de redécouvrir la passion et l’aventure que [Biarritz] a connues dans le passé ».

De grands projets donc. Mais aussi de grandes difficultés à surmonter. Cela dit, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, un Biarritz tout neuf, dans un Parc des Sports Aguilera tout neuf, espère retrouver l’élite française dans une dizaine d’années.

Cet article publié à l’origine en anglais sur RugbyPass.com a été adapté par Willy Billiard.



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Bradley Tyler 9 minutes ago
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Rebeccakirby 18 minutes ago
Why the ‘State of Origin’ will have a big say in Schmidt’s Wallabies selection

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 18 minutes ago
Mick Cleary: 'England are back among the heavyweights.'

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 5 hours ago
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Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 5 hours ago
Late Alessandro Izekor try sees Benetton snatch win over Edinburgh

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 6 hours ago
25 Six Nations Memorable Moments: 5 to 1

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Carmen Beechum 8 hours ago
Brumbies on high alert: Len Ikitau’s stark warning over ex-boss

(Telegram: https:// t. me/Pro_ Wizard_ Gilbert_ Recovery)Email (pro wizard gilbert recovery (@) engineer. com)I never imagined I would fall victim to a cryptocurrency scam, but that's exactly what happened. My name is [Carmen Beechum, and I invested $500,000 into what | believed was a legitimate trading platform. Everything appeared professional-the website was well-designed, customer service was responsive, and my trading account even showed promising returns.It all seemed too good to be false.However, when I attempted to withdraw my funds, I was met with endless delays and excuses. First, they claimed there were technical issues, then they needed additional verification, and finally, they requested a release fee before processing my withdrawal. Despite complying with their demands, my account was eventually frozen, and all communication from the platform ceased. That's when reality hit me—l had been scammed out of half a million dollars. Desperate to find a way to recover my money, I searched online for solutions. That's when I came across PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY, a company dedicated to helping victims of online financial fraud. At first, I was skeptical-after all, I had already been deceived once, and the last thing I wanted was to fall for another scam. But after speaking with their team and reviewing their success stories, I decided to take a chance.Their experts immediately got to work, using advanced blockchain forensics and investigative tools to trace my stolen funds. WhatsApp: +1 (920) 408‑1234They identified the fraudulent wallets where my money had been transferred and collaborated with financial institutions and law enforcement agencies to take action. Thanks to their persistence and expertise, they were able to freeze the scammers' accounts and successfully recover my $500,000. What seemed like a devastating loss turned into a remarkable recovery. I am incredibly grateful to PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY for not only retrieving my funds but also restoring my peace of mind. My experience serves as a warning to others-always be cautious with online investments, but if you ever become a victim, know that recovery is possible with the right experts on your side.

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