HSBC SVNS : le tournoi de Madrid en français sur RugbyPass TV

Par Willy Billiard
MADRID, ESPAGNE - 19 MAI : Vue générale à l'intérieur du stade Civitas Metropolitano le 19 mai 2024 à Madrid, en Espagne. (Photo par Florencia Tan Jun/Getty Images)

C’est une première qui va se jouer ce week-end sur RugbyPass TV la chaîne gratuite du rugby mondial. Pour la toute première fois, un tournoi du circuit mondial de rugby à sept sera en effet commenté intégralement en français.


Pendant trois jours – vendredi 31 mai, samedi 1er juin et dimanche 2 juin – l’ensemble des matchs sera raconté et décrypté en français par un trio de commentateurs chevronnés : François Trillo, Nicolas Delage et Yann Chabenat.

Le trio sera accompagné de notre consultant Jean-Baptiste Gobelet, lui-même ancien international septiste.

Voix de Sud Radio où il anime l’émission Au cœur de la mêlée, François Trillo a été le commentateur en chef de la Coupe du Monde de Rugby 2023 sur TF1 tandis que Nicolas Delage et Yann Chabenat avaient commenté le mondial sur M6.


Au cours de ces trois jours, les champions du HSBC SVNS 2024 seront couronnés lors d’une Grande Finale où les huit meilleures équipes masculines et féminines de la saison régulière du HSBC SVNS s’affronteront.

Parallèlement, les play-offs de promotion et de relégation verront huit autres équipes masculines et féminines jouer pour gagner leur place sur le HSBC SVNS. Les derniers matchs de qualification du dimanche 2 juin décideront des quatre équipes masculines et féminines qui obtiendront leur place pour le HSBC SVNS 2025.


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johnz 2 hours ago
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I was excited about the Razor error, but a few things are bothering me about this team. It’s looking less like a bright new dawn, and more like a conservative look to the past. We’ll never know how much pressure comes from above to select established players, but imagine if Razor wiped the slate clean and created the new baby blacks, the financial hit to NZR would be huge. Not that such drastic measures are needed, but a few selections still puzzle. TJ and Christie. Neither look like bright picks for the future, both are experienced but with limitations. I understand why you would pick one as a safe pair of hands, but why both? Jacobson is no impact player, and it makes no sense to me why you would pick both Blackadder and Jacobson in the same squad. They cover pretty much the same positions, and Jacobson has never demanded a start. Blackadder has struggled to stay on the field, but if he is picked, play him. Let’s see what he can do, we know enough about Jacobson, and Blackadder has far more mongrel. I would have preferred to see Lakai in the squad, he offers a point of difference and the energy of youth. Plus he would have kept Papali’i honest and created tasty competition for the 7 jersey. Ioane. The experiment goes on. The bloke is a fantastic winger but still fails to convince as a centre. Has NZR invested so much money in him that there’s pressure to play him? Proctor was by far the better player all season and played next to Barrett. Play him; a specialised centre, in form. Crazy I know. Our two wingers are very good, but we still miss a power runner in the backline. Faiga’anuki was a big loss and could have filled that role at wing or 13. More money on young players like him and less on aging stars would not go amiss in NZ rugby. Perofeta had a decent game, but the jury is still out. The lack of a specialist fullback in the squad is another head scratcher. Admittedly it’s early days and a win is a win, but hopefully some more innovation is in the plan otherwise I see this squad struggling sooner or later.

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