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Les Brésiliennes qualifiées pour Angleterre 2025


Le Brésil a battu la Colombie pour la première fois en sept tentatives pour assommer ses hôtes et s’assurer de faire ses débuts en Coupe du Monde du Rugby Féminin en Angleterre en 2025.


Les Yaras avaient perdu chacune de leurs six précédentes rencontres avec Las Tucanes avant ce samedi 29 juin et occupaient 25 places de moins que leurs hôtes au classement mondial féminin de World Rugby au moment du coup d’envoi.

Cependant, elles ont dominé le match du début à la fin et ont profité de l’indiscipline colombienne pour décrocher leur billet pour l’Angleterre en s’imposant 34-13 à Luque.

Iris Coluna, Isadora Lopes, Eshyllen Coimbra et Aline Mayumi ont toutes aplati alors que le Brésil menait 22-8 à la mi-temps.

La Colombie a menacé de revenir au score au début de la deuxième mi-temps, mais des essais de Yasmin Soares et Mariana Nicolau dans le dernier quart d’heure ont anéanti ces espoirs.

Les hôtes ont marqué des points grâce à des essais de Juliana Soto et Laura Gutierrez, ainsi qu’à une pénalité de Maria Arzuaga.

Coimbra, capitaine du Brésil et Joueuse du Match, a déclaré qu’elle ressentait « une immense joie » d’avoir aidé son équipe à entrer dans l’histoire.


« Nous savions que ce serait un rugby difficile, une bataille qui ne serait pas facile. Mais nous avons réussi à remporter la victoire grâce à notre travail acharné », a-t-elle déclaré.

« Nous avons travaillé très dur ces cinq ou six derniers mois sur la mêlée notamment, allant même jusqu’à pousser contre le tronc d’un arbre ! »

L’entraîneur Emiliano Caffera a ajouté : « Nous avions prévu que le match se déroulerait de cette manière. Notre mêlée solide de la première période n’était pas aussi efficace en seconde période, même si nous avons réussi à mieux contrôler le ballon et que certaines choses ont tourné en notre faveur.

« Tout commence par les phases statiques sur lesquelles nous avons beaucoup travaillé, mais pour la Coupe du Monde de Rugby, il faudra redoubler d’efforts. »


Grâce à sa victoire, le Brésil gagnera 12 places au classement mondial, passant à la 39e position lors de la mise à jour de lundi à 12h00 BST (GMT+1). La Colombie perdra trois places et se retrouvera au 29e rang.





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JW 13 hours ago
The Fergus Burke test and rugby's free market

I can guarantee that none of the three would have got a chance with Ireland in the state they arrived from NZ.

Why would you think they would?

Two of them were at Leinster and were bench-warmers when they arrived

Sometimes you can be beyond stupid JW.

Haha look who's talking! Hello? Can you just read what you wrote about Leinster to yourself again please lol

It took prob four seasons to get James Lowe's defence up to the required standard to play international footy. If Jacob Stockdale had not experienced a big slump in form he might not have gotten the chance at all.

I'm really not sure why you're making this point. Do you think Ireland are a better team than the All Blacks, where those players would have been straight in? This is like ground hog day the movie with you. Can you not remember much of the discussions, having so many readers/commentors? Yup, 26/7/8 would have been the perfect age for them to have been capped by NZ as well.

Actually, they would obviously have been capped given an opportunity earlier (where they were ineligible to for Ireland).

TTT, who was behind JGP at the Hurricanes, got three AB caps after a couple of further seasons acting as a backup SR player, once JGP left of course. In case you didn't see yourself contradicting your own comments above, JGP was just another player who became first choice for Ireland while 2nd (or even 3rd/outside the 23 in recent cases) for Leinster. And fair enough, no one is suggesting JGP would have surpassed TJP in three or four years either. He would have been an All Black though, and unlike in your Leinster example, similar performances from him would have seen TJP move on earlier to make way for him. Not limited him like he was in Ireland. That's just the advantage of the way they can only afford so many. Hell, one hit wonders like Seta Tamanivalu and Malakai Fekitoa got rocketed into the jersey at the time.

So not just him. Aki and Lowe both would have had opportunities, as you must know has been pointed out by now. It's true that the adversity of having to move to Ireland added a nice bit of mongrel to their game though, along with their typical development.

Aki looked comfortable as the main 12 in his first two seasons, he was fortunate SBW went back to league for a season you could say, but as a similar specialist he ultimate had to give the spot back again on his return. There's certainly no doubt he would have returned and flourished with coachs like Rennie, Wayne Smith, and Andrew Strawbridge, even Tom Coventry. All fair for him to take up an immediate contract instead of wait a year of course though.

It's just whatever the point of your comments are meant to make, your idea that these players wouldn't have achieved high honors in NZ is simply very shortsighted and simplistic. I can only think you are making incorrect conclusions about this topic because of this mistake. As a fan, Aki was looking to be the Nonu replacement for me, but instead the country had the likes of Laumape trying to fill those boots with him available. Ditto with Lowe once Rieko moved to center.

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