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Six Nations féminin 2025 : l'essentiel sur les équipes

EDITORIAL USE ONLY Cyclists meet up in London Fields ahead of Lime Commuter Club, the city’s first-ever cycle commute group in partnership with London Cycling Campaign. Picture date: Thursday March 6, 2025. PA Photo. The launch comes as new research from Lime reveals that Londoners are increasingly choosing to commute on two wheels, with one in three of the Capital’s residents having now commuted by rental e-bike. Participants coming to one of the two launch events (the next taking place on March 13) will be able to meet and chat with other cyclists, pick up free limited-edition merch, and receive a complimentary hot drink before getting a cycle safety refresher. Photo credit should read: Simon Jacobs/PA Media Assignments


Nouvelle capitaine (en remplacement de Marlie Packer) et mêmes ambitions derrière le coach John Mitchell. Sous la houlette de Zoe Aldcroft, l’Angleterre aborde ce Tournoi des Six Nations féminin avec l’objectif clair de décrocher un septième titre consécutif, idéalement accompagné d’un Grand Chelem. Une campagne qui servira aussi de tremplin vers la Coupe du Monde de Rugby en août et septembre chez elle, avec l’opportunité de tester des associations et d’élargir le groupe.

Parmi les joueuses susceptibles de se faire une place, Emma Sing attire les regards. L’arrière de Gloucester, meilleure marqueuse du championnat anglais cette saison, postule clairement à un retour dans le groupe.

Le sélectionneur John Mitchell l’a affirmé sans détour : ce Tournoi sera un terrain d’expérimentation. « Ce serait idiot de ne pas tenter différentes choses dans la composition des équipes », a-t-il expliqué. « Beaucoup des combinaisons que l’on verra sont pensées en fonction de la Coupe du monde. Est-ce que certaines joueuses auront leur chance ? Oui. Et c’est excitant, car il y a toujours de la place pour une nouvelle venue capable d’apporter de l’enthousiasme. »

Un prono ?

À moins d’un tremblement de terre, les Anglaises devraient une nouvelle fois rafler la mise.

Womens Six Nations
England Women
38 - 5
Temps complet
Italy Women
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La France, fidèle à sa réputation, joue avec flair et envie de produire du jeu qui fait vibrer les tribunes. Mais ces derniers temps, l’efficacité n’a pas toujours suivi. Battues par le Canada et la Nouvelle-Zélande à l’automne, les Bleues ont terminé cinquièmes (sur six) du WXV 1. Dans ce Tournoi, elles chercheront à retrouver de la constance dans le jeu et les résultats, mais devront composer sans certaines cadres.

L’ancienne capitaine Gaëlle Hermet ne figure plus dans le groupe, le staff ayant choisi d’explorer d’autres options en troisième ligne. Deux joueuses majeures manqueront aussi le début de la compétition pour cause de blessure : la puissante numéro 8 Romane Ménager, l’une des grandes figures du Tournoi 2024, suit un protocole de reprise après une commotion ; la pilier Assia Khalfaoui est quant à elle en convalescence après une blessure au genou. Leur retour pourrait intervenir en cours de tournoi.

Un prono ?

Abonnées à la 2e place depuis six ans, les Bleues veulent cette fois crever le plafond de verre comme le répète Agathe Sochat.


L’Irlande sera l’une des équipes à surveiller de près dans ce Tournoi des Six Nations. Capables de créer la surprise, les Irlandaises l’ont prouvé lors du WXV 1 en battant ni plus ni moins que les championnes du monde en titre, la Nouvelle-Zélande. Attendue en difficulté, l’équipe a déjoué les pronostics en enchaînant avec une victoire contre les États-Unis, terminant à une brillante deuxième place du tournoi, juste derrière l’Angleterre. Une performance qui a validé leur belle troisième place dans le Tournoi 2024 et confirmé leur montée en puissance.


Pour cette première journée, Amee-Leigh Costigan portera le brassard pour la première fois en test-match, forte de son expérience de capitaine sur le circuit mondial à 7. Les Irlandaises arrivent donc lancées et confiantes, à l’heure d’ouvrir leur campagne 2025 face à une équipe de France encore en rodage. Un match à fort potentiel. Avant le match, Bemand s’est montré confiant : « Nous avons hâte de lancer notre saison 2025 devant notre public à Belfast, face à une très belle équipe de France. La préparation a été intense, la concurrence en interne a élevé le niveau, et après notre campagne encourageante en WXV1, l’objectif est clair : livrer une performance solide et montrer les progrès réalisés au début d’une année clé pour le rugby irlandais. »

Un prono ?

Leur affrontement face à l’Écosse devrait décider de leur place finale dans le classement, mais sauf surprise, elles devraient accrocher la troisième marche du podium.

Womens Six Nations
Ireland Women
15 - 27
Temps complet
France Women
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L’Italie aborde ce Tournoi des Six Nations 2025 avec l’envie de redorer son blason après plusieurs campagnes en demi-teinte. Depuis leur deuxième place historique en 2019, les Azzurre n’ont plus retrouvé ce niveau, souvent plombées par un manque de constance dans les moments décisifs. Pour impulser un nouveau cycle, la Fédération a confié l’équipe à Fabio Roselli, qui vit sa première expérience dans le rugby féminin. Son défi : remettre l’Italie en position de jouer le haut de tableau, en s’appuyant sur un groupe mêlant cadres expérimentées et jeunes prometteuses.

Pour cette entrée en matière face à l’Angleterre, tenante du titre et grande favorite du Tournoi, Roselli a misé sur la stabilité et la combativité. Vittoria Ostuni Minuzzi mènera les relances à l’arrière, Aura Muzzo fêtera sa 50e sélection, et le centre sera tenu par la jeune Alyssa D’Incà et la solide Beatrice Rigoni. La charnière Stefan–Madia devra poser le jeu, tandis que la troisième ligne, emmenée par Francesca Sgorbini, aura fort à faire face au pack anglais. Le retour de Giada Franco sur le banc, après une longue absence, symbolise l’envie de l’Italie de retrouver son mordant. Face à l’Angleterre, le défi est immense, mais ce premier test sera révélateur des ambitions italiennes dans ce Tournoi.

Un prono ?

Cinquième place, à moins d’une très belle surprise.


Avec la vitesse de Francesca “France” McGhie sur l’aile et les percées de la centre Emma Orr, l’Écosse dispose de réels atouts. Pourtant, les résultats ne suivent pas toujours : les Écossaises n’ont plus fait mieux qu’une quatrième place dans le Tournoi depuis… 2005. La dynamique est pourtant en train de changer. Elles ont frôlé le titre en WXV 2, ne s’inclinant que de peu face à l’Australie.

Le sélectionneur Bryan Easson sent son groupe en plein élan : « C’est sans doute le moment le plus enthousiasmant depuis que je suis en poste. C’est le fruit du travail fourni. On a désormais de la profondeur, et la sélection se fait au mérite, pas par rotation. Ça pousse tout le monde à se dépasser. » Si l’Écosse commence aussi bien qu’elle finit ses tournois, elle pourrait bien grimper dans la hiérarchie.

Un prono ?

Une quatrième place.

Womens Six Nations
Scotland Women
24 - 21
Temps complet
Wales Women
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Pays de Galles

Le Pays de Galles entame le Tournoi des Six Nations féminin 2025 avec un vent de renouveau. Après une saison 2024 marquée par la cuillère de bois, une seule victoire dans le WXV 2 (contre le Japon) et des tensions en coulisses, les Galloises veulent tourner la page. Pour cela, la Fédération a misé sur Sean Lynn, fraîchement champion d’Angleterre avec Gloucester-Hartpury. Le nouveau sélectionneur pose les bases d’un projet tourné vers l’humain et la reconstruction collective. Face à l’Écosse, il a choisi de lancer trois néophytes – Maisie Davies, Jenni Scoble et Alaw Pyrs – tout en s’appuyant sur des cadres en forme, à l’image de la capitaine Hannah Jones ou de Lleucu George, elle aussi sacrée en club.

Lynn veut insuffler une identité claire à son groupe dès ce premier match. « Le message a été simple : soyez vous-mêmes », affirme-t-il, soulignant l’intensité et la cohésion nées d’une semaine de préparation courte mais riche. Ce déplacement en Écosse marque l’ouverture d’un nouveau chapitre pour le rugby gallois féminin. Face à une équipe locale solide, le défi est de taille, mais les Galloises comptent bien s’appuyer sur un savant mélange d’expérience et de jeunesse pour lancer leur Tournoi sur une note positive.

Un prono ?

Une nouvelle cuillère de bois…

Womens Six Nations

England Women
France Women
Ireland Women
Italy Women
Scotland Women
Wales Women


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RedWarriors 16 minutes ago
Antoine Dupont undergoes surgery on injured knee ahead of long absence

Rugby incident, happens scores of times in a game. Dupont wasn’t even hit with much force, Beirne just clears him and force is added from behind from Furlong.

We can’t have special treatment for France just because their star is the one who gets unlucky.

There is already a lack of clarity around actual Written decisions and how they differ from bans.

For example, Mauvaka the official written decision states Mauvaka to have made a ‘reckless’, ‘deliberate’, shot ‘to the head’ of a ‘player in a vulnerable position’ on the ground. That’s a high level entry ban of 10 weeks. However, the press release did not show ‘reckless’ or ‘vulnerable player’ ticked alloweing Mauvaka to enter at the 6 match mid range.

Similarly Ntamack’s written report showed that it was a ‘reckless’, ‘head shot’ with ‘injury’. The injury was a fully displaced nose bone and Ntamack apologizes for the injury in the written report. This should give Ntamack an entry level of 6 weeks but in the Press Release ‘Injured’ is unticked meaning Ntamack gets away with a 4 week entry ban. This is not counting the fact that the world knows he deliberately injured Thomas.

No. France have been abusing the system for years, recently spreading disinformation about the Ringrose ban in order to undermine confidence in the process.

Giving France even more special treatment is not the answer.

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Bryan Magana 3 hours ago
Why the ‘State of Origin’ will have a big say in Schmidt’s Wallabies selection

Scammed and Saved: GrayHat Hacks Turned My Crypt0 Nightmare Around

It all started with a dream and a single email. I’d been saving Bitc0in for years, hoping to buy my first home. On a rainy Tuesday, I received what looked like an urgent message from my wallet provider, asking me to verify my account details. The email was polished, the logo perfect, and the urgency felt real. Without thinking twice, I clicked the link and entered my credentials. It wasn’t until hours later, when I checked my wallet and saw a balance of zero, that the horror sank in. My 2.5 BTC, worth over $150,000, was gone. The scammer had drained it through a series of rapid transactions, scattering it across the blockchain like digital dust in the wind.

I was devastated. My dream of homeownership vanished in a click, and I felt like a fool. Days blurred into a haze of panic and regret until I stumbled upon GrayHat Hacks online. Their testimonials spoke of miracles, st0len crypt0 recovered, lives restored. Desperate, I reached ou to them. They explained that while Bitc0in’s blockchain is public, tracing st0len funds is like finding a needle in a haystack. But they had the tools: proprietary software that could analyze transaction patterns, identify wallet clusters, and potentially link the scammer’s address to an exchange where the funds might be frozen.

GrayHat Hacks dove into the blockchain, following the trail of my st0len Bitc0in as it hopped from wallet to wallet. They used advanced clustering algorithms to group addresses likely controlled by the same entity, narrowing down the scammer’s footprint. Then came the breakthrough: one of the wallets was tied to a known exchange. It was a tense few hours, but I eventually received the email I’d been praying for, my Bitc0in was recovered.

GrayHat Hacks expertise turned what felt like an impossible loss into a second chance. They even took the time to teach me how to spot phishing scams, ensuring I’d never fall victim again. If you’re reading this, heart pounding after a crypt0 nightmare, know that GrayHat Hacks is the real deal. They’re not just technicians; they’re lifesavers, blending cutting-edge blockchain analysis with a human touch. My dream of a home is back on track, and I owe it all to them.

You can reach out to them via email at grayhathacks@contractor.net or WhatsApp +1 (843) 368-3015

Website https://grayhathacksblog.wixsite.com/grayhathacks

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Bryan Magana 3 hours ago
Six changes for Ireland, including the return of Jack Crowley

Scammed and Saved: GrayHat Hacks Turned My Crypt0 Nightmare Around

It all started with a dream and a single email. I’d been saving Bitc0in for years, hoping to buy my first home. On a rainy Tuesday, I received what looked like an urgent message from my wallet provider, asking me to verify my account details. The email was polished, the logo perfect, and the urgency felt real. Without thinking twice, I clicked the link and entered my credentials. It wasn’t until hours later, when I checked my wallet and saw a balance of zero, that the horror sank in. My 2.5 BTC, worth over $150,000, was gone. The scammer had drained it through a series of rapid transactions, scattering it across the blockchain like digital dust in the wind.

I was devastated. My dream of homeownership vanished in a click, and I felt like a fool. Days blurred into a haze of panic and regret until I stumbled upon GrayHat Hacks online. Their testimonials spoke of miracles, st0len crypt0 recovered, lives restored. Desperate, I reached ou to them. They explained that while Bitc0in’s blockchain is public, tracing st0len funds is like finding a needle in a haystack. But they had the tools: proprietary software that could analyze transaction patterns, identify wallet clusters, and potentially link the scammer’s address to an exchange where the funds might be frozen.

GrayHat Hacks dove into the blockchain, following the trail of my st0len Bitc0in as it hopped from wallet to wallet. They used advanced clustering algorithms to group addresses likely controlled by the same entity, narrowing down the scammer’s footprint. Then came the breakthrough: one of the wallets was tied to a known exchange. It was a tense few hours, but I eventually received the email I’d been praying for, my Bitc0in was recovered.

GrayHat Hacks expertise turned what felt like an impossible loss into a second chance. They even took the time to teach me how to spot phishing scams, ensuring I’d never fall victim again. If you’re reading this, heart pounding after a crypt0 nightmare, know that GrayHat Hacks is the real deal. They’re not just technicians; they’re lifesavers, blending cutting-edge blockchain analysis with a human touch. My dream of a home is back on track, and I owe it all to them.

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WesleyBeck 4 hours ago
Six changes for Ireland, including the return of Jack Crowley

I fell victim to a sophisticated cryptocurrency scam, losing $128,000.00 USDT to a fake trading platform. The scammers had promised a 10% daily profit, but instead, they left me financially ruined and struggling to pay my bills. Desperate for a solution, I confided in a close friend who introduced me to MORPHOHACK CYBER SERVICE, a team of experts specializing in cryptocurrency recovery. Their cutting-edge software and advanced techniques proved to be the game-changers I needed.

If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to MORPHOHACK CYBER SERVICE at (Morphohack@cyberservices.com)

Their team is dedicated to helping victims of cryptocurrency scams recover their stolen funds.

MORPHOHACK CYBER SERVICE employed a multi-faceted approach to recover my stolen digital assets. Their team utilized:

• ⁠Advanced tracking software to identify the scammers' digital footprints

• Sophisticated algorithms to trace the flow of my stolen funds

• ⁠Expert analysis to uncover the scammers' tactics and vulnerabilities

Within an impressive 72-hour timeframe, MORPHOHACK CYBER SERVICE successfully investigated, tracked down the scammers, and recovered my stolen funds. Their prompt and professional service gave me hope in a desperate situation.

If you've fallen victim to a similar cryptocurrency scam, I strongly recommend reaching out to MORPHOHACK CYBER SERVICE. Their expertise and advanced techniques can help you recover your stolen funds and avoid further financial losses.

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Alex Goevita 5 hours ago
Late Alessandro Izekor try sees Benetton snatch win over Edinburgh

Scanner Hackers CryptoRecovery, a reputable cryptocurrency recovery service, employs a comprehensive approach to recover stolen cryptocurrency. Here's a step-by-step overview of their recovery process: ## Initial Assessment 1. Case Evaluation: Scanner Hackers Recovery evaluates the case to determine the likelihood of recovery. 2. Information Gathering: They collect relevant information, such as transaction IDs, wallet addresses, and any other pertinent data. ## Blockchain Analysis 1. Transaction Tracking: Scanner Hackers Recovery uses advanced blockchain analysis tools to track the movement of the stolen cryptocurrency. 2. Address Clustering: They identify clusters of addresses associated with the stolen funds. 3.Transaction Pattern Analysis: Scanner Hackers Recovery  analyzes transaction patterns to identify potential leads. ## Recovery Strategy 1. Customized Recovery Plan: Based on the analysis, Scanner Hackers Recovery  develops a customized recovery plan. 2. Collaboration with Exchanges: They work with cryptocurrency exchanges to freeze and recover stolen funds. 3. Law Enforcement Coordination: Scanner Hackers Recovery  coordinates with law enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute perpetrators. ## Recovery Execution 1. Recovery Operations: Scanner Hackers Recovery executes the recovery plan, using various techniques to recover the stolen cryptocurrency. 2. Wallet Recovery: They recover access to the wallet and secure the funds. 3. Fund Transfer: Scanner Hackers Recovery  transfers the recovered funds to a secure wallet. ## Post-Recovery 1. Secure Storage: Scanner Hackers Recovery  ensures the recovered funds are stored securely. 2. Client Updates: They provide regular updates to the client throughout the recovery process. 3. Documentation: Scanner Hackers Recovery  maintains detailed records of the recovery process. Please note that the success of the recovery process depends on various factors, including the complexity of the case and the cooperation of law enforcement and exchanges. Contact 

email:  info@scannerhacktech.com

Whatsapp: +14318017493

Website: https://scannerhacktech.com/

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Jennifer Barclay 6 hours ago
Mick Cleary: 'England are back among the heavyweights.'

When I first came up with the idea for my groundbreaking new gadget, I was filled with excitement. I knew it had the potential to change the market, but as a financially strapped inventor, securing a patent seemed like a daunting task. After researching my options, I found "Innovate Legal," a firm that promised quick and guaranteed patent protection for a $3,000.fee, Their pitch seemed solid, and they assured me that for the price, my invention would be in safe hands. I handed over the money with high hopes, confident that I was taking the right steps toward securing my invention's future. Weeks turned into months, but I never received any updates. When I checked in, their responses were slow and vague, yet they assured me everything was progressing. As the delays continued, my anxiety grew, and I decided to investigate further. That’s when I reached out to ASSET RESCUE SPECIALIST for assistance. ASSET RESCUE SPECIALIST quickly uncovered the truth: Innovate Legal had never filed the paperwork for my patent application. I was shocked and devastated. I had put my trust and all of my savings into their hands, only to realize I had been scammed. But ASSET RESCUE SPECIALIST didn’t leave me hanging. They walked me through the process of filing a chargeback with my credit card company. After submitting the necessary documentation, I was able to recover the entire $3,000.I had paid, While the chargeback was a huge financial relief, the emotional toll of this experience was overwhelming. I had almost given up on my invention. However, thanks to ASSET RESCUE SPECIALIST support, I didn’t just get my money back; I regained my confidence and determination. Armed with a clearer understanding of how to protect my work, I decided to handle the patent process myself, ensuring everything was done properly and legitimately this time Today, my invention is officially patent-pending, and while the journey has been challenging, I’ve learned invaluable lessons about trust and persistence. I’m incredibly grateful to ASSET RESCUE SPECIALIST for helping me not only recover my funds but also guiding me back on track with my invention.FOR MORE DETAILS:Company: ASSET RESCUE SPECIALISTWebsite info; https://assetrescuespecialist.commail: assetrescuespecialist@qualityservice.com orsupport@assetrescuespecialist.com.WhatsApp:+ 1 9 0 3 5 5 9 1 7 3 3.

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Charlie Alpha 6 hours ago
Crusaders prepare for 'dangerous in all elements' Chiefs game-breaker

When I thought all hope was lost after falling victim to a ruthless scam, Maestro Encrypter Financier emerged as my savior. I had poured years of savings into Bitc01n, only to watch it vanish in an instant due to a cunning scam. The despair was overwhelming—I felt betrayed and powerless, my dreams slipping through my fingers like sand. Then, I discovered Maestro Encrypter Financier, a renowned hacking company celebrated for turning victims’ nightmares into miracles. Skeptical but desperate, I reached out, and their response was nothing short of extraordinary. From the first call, their professionalism and confidence reassured me. Their team—brilliant hackers and blockchain wizards—sprang into action, wielding cutting-edge tools like digital detectives on a mission. In an astonishing 24 hours, they tracked down my stolen money and returned every last coin to my wallet. It was as if they’d pulled off a heist in reverse, outsmarting the scammers with jaw-dropping speed and precision. The relief washed over me like a tidal wave; I could breathe again, my faith in justice restored. Maestro Encrypter Financier isn’t just a service—they’re a lifeline. Their expertise, efficiency, and dedication are unmatched, transforming my despair into gratitude. If scammers have taken your crypto, don’t give up. Reach out to them. I can’t sing their praises enough and wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone needing to reclaim what’s theirs. They didn’t just recover my funds—they gave me back my hope.

E-mail : maestro encrypter @ financier . com

whats.App : +1 472 203 8937

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