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Ryadh Sallem va allumer le chaudron paralympique

Par RugbyPass
Ryadh Sallem (à droite), ici aux côtés de Cédric Nankin, aura l'honneur d'allumer le chaudron des Jeux Paralympiques 2024 (Photos Didier Echelard)

Cyréna Samba-Mayela, seule Française médaillée en athlétisme aux Jeux olympiques de Paris, et Ryadh Sallem, membre de l’équipe de rugby-fauteuil, allumeront le chaudron devant l’Hôtel de Ville mercredi pour conclure le parcours de la flamme paralympique, a annoncé lundi un adjoint à la maire de Paris.


Saluant en M. Sallem, 53 ans, « une des figures du handisport à Paris », Pierre Rabadan, adjoint aux sports à la mairie de Paris et ancien rugbyman, a rappelé lors d’une conférence de presse qu’il participait à ses sixièmes Jeux paralympiques.

Entrepreneur social et militant associatif, il a également mené une carrière sportive en natation (record mondial en relais), en basket-fauteuil (triple champion d’Europe) et désormais en rugby-fauteuil.

Né en Tunisie, cet enfant de la thalidomide – un anti-nauséeux donné aux femmes enceintes et responsable de graves malformations – a fondé en 1995 Cap sport art aventure amitié (Capsaaa), dont le but est notamment de « soutenir une vision du handicap émancipatrice et valorisante ».

Cyréna Samba-Mayela a été la seule athlète française à remporter une médaille lors des derniers Jeux olympiques, décrochant l’argent au 100 m haies.

La jeune hurdleuse de 23 ans avait été au rendez-vous malgré des résultats décevants pour l’athlétisme français: il s’en était fallu d’un centième pour que la médaille soit en or.


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SK 1 hour ago
Why the All Blacks overlooking Joe Schmidt could yet hurt them in the Bledisloe battle

After the Ireland series defeat NZR effectively dumped 2 coaches (who they scapegoated) and put in 2 new coaches meant to save the day who were also meant to be apart of the Robertson bandwagon who he himself was to jump on after the expected Rugby Championship failure of 2022. Foster was left with staff he did not want in a set up increasingly hostile to him. It was clear that Foster was in a desperate position but then having found their feet, beating the Boks in SA in 2022 and winning the Rugby Championship that year he had his blushes spared and they decided to retain him. Whichever way you look at it Foster got some big results. He won every Rugby Championship he competed in and was one game, one point and maybe 5mins away from winning the World Cup. Sure he had a 70% win record but in his last year just lost 2 test matches. They didn't even give him a chance to prove himself or show his worth before they replaced him. He deserved more having served NZR for so long. Robinson is a hack who only cares about himself and will throw a coach under the bus as quickly as he can to save face. Razor needs to watch his back now that he has started poorly. There's no other way to describe it. He has time to turn it around but with many difficult tests remaining this year deeper questions may be asked of him. If he doesn't he may just be on the receiving end of the stick which NZR once used against foster and waged in his favour.

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