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Tournoi olympique féminin de rugby à 7 Paris 2024 : le bilan des équipes

PARIS, FRANCE - 30 JUILLET : Après la cérémonie de remise des médailles pour le rugby à sept féminin lors de la quatrième journée des Jeux olympiques Paris 2024, les joueuses néo-zélandaises médaillées d'or ont réalisé une interprétation du Haka au Stade de France, le 30 juillet 2024 à Paris, France. (Photo par Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

Le tournoi olympique féminin de rugby à sept à Paris 2024 restera dans l’histoire à plus d’un titre et pas uniquement du fait de sa fréquentation record.


Au total, 209 essais et 1 305 points ont été marqués au cours des 34 matchs. C’est le plus grand nombre jamais atteint en une seule édition des Jeux olympiques.

A noter que aucune pénalité n’a été tirée à Paris 2024. La Brésilienne Raquel Kochhann reste donc la seule joueuse à en avoir tapé une, lors du match d’ouverture contre la Grande-Bretagne à Rio 2016.

La Nouvelle-Zélande, une équipe à part

Les médaillées d’or néo-zélandaises sont les meilleures marqueuses d’essais (34) et de points (212) de Paris 2024. La Nouvelle-Zélande est la première équipe à dépasser les 30 essais et les 200 points dans l’histoire olympique.

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World Rugby Guide to Rugby Sevens – French

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World Rugby Guide to Rugby Sevens – French

Olympic Rugby Sevens kicks off in Paris on Wednesday. Here’s your full explanation of how it’ll work!

L’équipe nationale a défendu avec succès la médaille d’or qu’elle avait auparavant remportée une première fois à Tokyo 2020, portant sa série de victoires sur la scène olympique à 12 matchs et s’assurant la première médaille d’or de leur pays aux Jeux de Paris 2024.

La Nouvelle-Zélande a désormais remporté 12 matchs d’affilée sur la scène olympique, sa seule défaite ayant eu lieu lors du match pour la médaille d’or contre l’Australie à Rio 2016.

Sarah Hirini, Tyla King, Theresa Setefano et Portia Woodman-Wickliffe comptent désormais trois médailles olympiques chacune, deux en or et une en argent.

Risi Pouri-Lane compte aussi trois médailles, bien que sa première médaille d’or ait été obtenue en tant que capitaine de l’équipe néo-zélandaise aux Jeux olympiques de la jeunesse 2018 à Buenos Aires.


L’essai de Michaela Blyde était son 10e de Paris 2024, égalant le record de Portia Woodman-Wickliffe pour la Nouvelle-Zélande établi à Rio 2016. Elle porte également son total d’essais à 17 sur la scène olympique, à égalité avec Woodman-Wickliffe et l’Australienne Maddison Levi.

La résurrection du Canada

L’argent pour le Canada est une grande amélioration par rapport à sa performance à Tokyo 2020, quand une équipe dans la tourmente après des problèmes hors du terrain dans la préparation des Jeux n’a pu terminer que neuvième.

Le Canada a fait aussi bien mieux que sa médaille de bronze de Rio 2016 pour une médaille d’argent huit ans plus tard.

La Canadienne Charity Williams est la seule à détenir désormais deux médailles olympiques, après avoir remporté le bronze à Rio 2016.

PARIS, FRANCE - 30 JUILLET : Le sourire de Charity Williams #6 de l'équipe du Canada pendant la demi-finale entre l'équipe du Canada et l'équipe de l'Australie lors de la quatrième journée des Jeux olympiques Paris 2024 au Stade de France, le 30 juillet 2024 à Paris, en France. (Photo par Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

Tournoi historique pour les Etats-Unis

Les États-Unis sont la deuxième équipe nord-américaine à remporter une médaille de bronze olympique, après le Canada à Rio 2016. Leur meilleur résultat précédent était une cinquième place à Rio 2016.


Emilie Bydwell est devenue la première femme entraîneur à remporter une médaille olympique en rugby à sept.

Pour parvenir à cette médaille, les Etats-Unis ont battu l’Australie 14-12. 14-12, c’est le score sur lequel les États-Unis sont devenus la première équipe à battre l’Australie sur la scène olympique lors du match décisif de la poule C à Tokyo 2020.

Les États-Unis avaient perdu les cinq confrontations avec l’Australie sur les SVNS Series 2024, leur dernière victoire ayant eu lieu sur le sol français, à Toulouse, lors de la dernière manche de la saison 2023.

La performance des sœurs Levi

Maddison Levi est et restera la meilleure marqueuse d’essais (14) et de points (70) de Paris 2024. Elle est la deuxième joueuse à avoir cet honneur après la Néo-Zélandaise Portia Woodman-Wickliffe à Rio 2016 (qui en avait marqué 10).

Maddison Levi est l’une des trois joueuses qui occupent aujourd’hui la première place du classement historique des meilleures marqueuses d’essais aux J0, avec 17 essais (avec trois essais marqués lors de ses débuts australiens à Tokyo 2020), à l’instar des Néo-Zélandaises Portia Woodman-Wickliffe et Michaela Blyde.

Elle est la deuxième joueuse à marquer un essai dans chaque match d’une même édition des JO, égalant ainsi l’effort de la Néo-Zélandaise Portia Woodman-Wickliffe à Rio 2016.

Sa sœur Teagan Levi s’est également illustré sur ce tournoi, mais en devenant la deuxième joueuse seulement à recevoir plus d’un carton jaune dans une même édition des JO après la Brésilienne Bianca Silva, qui en avait reçu trois à Tokyo 2020.

Au final, l’Australie est l’équipe qui a reçu le plus de cartons jaunes (4) à Paris 2024, avec les Fidji, 12e. L’Australie n’avait reçu aucun carton jaune à Rio 2016 ou à Tokyo 2020, mais sa discipline a été son talon d’Achille au cours des 12 derniers mois.

PARIS, FRANCE - 30 JUILLET : Après la défaite lors du match pour la médaille de bronze du rugby à sept féminin entre les équipes des États-Unis et d'Australie, Teagan Levi (#5) et Maddison Levi (#12) de l'équipe d'Australie reçoivent des marques de réconfort de la part de leurs proches au Stade de France, le 30 juillet 2024, lors de la quatrième journée des Jeux olympiques Paris 2024. (Photo par Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

Et la France dans tout ça ?

La cinquième place est le deuxième meilleur classement de la France à des Jeux olympiques, puisqu’elle a terminé sixième pour ses débuts à Rio. Cependant, elle visait une médaille d’or et une progression par rapport à sa médaille d’argent à Tokyo 2020 et non une régression.

Souvent pénalisée, la France n’a pourtant écopé que d’un seul carton jaune, attribué à Joanna Grisez lors du match pour la 5e place. C’était le premier carton de la France aux Jeux olympiques depuis que la capitaine Fanny Horta a vu jaune lors du match d’ouverture à Tokyo.

Séraphine Okemba n’a pas marqué d’essai lors du dernier match de la France, ce qui signifie qu’elle partage le record français d’essais marqués en une seule édition des Jeux avec sa coéquipière Anne-Cécile Ciofani, qui en a marqué sept à Tokyo 2020.

Okemba compte désormais 12 essais au total sur la scène olympique, soit le troisième meilleur total de l’histoire du rugby à sept féminin.

Elles mettent fin à leur carrière

Chloé Pelle a conclu sa carrière en marquant le dernier essai de la France pour Paris 2024. À 34 ans, elle est la seule joueuse française à avoir disputé plus de 50 tournois des World Series et a été médaillée d’argent à Tokyo 2020 ainsi qu’à la Coupe du Monde de Rugby à 7 en 2018.

La succession de David Courteix est également ouverte à la tête de France 7 féminine puisqu’il a annoncé qu’il mettait fin à son mandat d’entraîneur qu’il honorait depuis dix ans.

L’Australienne Sharni Smale, déjà présente lors du tout premier tournoi féminin des SVNS Series à Dubaï en 2012 et championne olympique en 2016 à Rio, du Commonwealth et de la Coupe du Monde Rugby à Sept, a disputé son dernier match pour l’Australie.

La co-capitaine des États-Unis, Naya Tapper, a elle aussi tiré sa révérence sur la plus grande scène du sport.

Portia Woodman-Wickliffe et Tyla King ont joué leur dernier match sous le maillot néo-zélandais. Woodman-Wickliffe est la meilleure marqueuse d’essais de l’histoire des Series féminines et King la meilleure marqueuse de points.

Enfin, cette finale de Paris 2024 était le dernier match du sélectionneur du Canada Jack Hanratty à la tête de l’équipe. Son assistante Jocelyn Barrieau prendra le relais, devenant ainsi la troisième femme entraîneure dans les SVNS Series 2025.

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Bradley Tyler 23 minutes ago
Scarlets play-off hopes hit by home defeat to Stormers

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Rebeccakirby 32 minutes ago
Why the ‘State of Origin’ will have a big say in Schmidt’s Wallabies selection

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 32 minutes ago
Mick Cleary: 'England are back among the heavyweights.'

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 5 hours ago
Gregor Townsend breaks silence on his Scotland future

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 5 hours ago
Late Alessandro Izekor try sees Benetton snatch win over Edinburgh

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Rebeccakirby 6 hours ago
25 Six Nations Memorable Moments: 5 to 1

Months earlier, I’d sunk $156,000 into what I thought was a golden opportunity, an online cryptocurrency investment promising sky-high returns. The website was sleek, the testimonials glowing, and the numbers kept climbing. But when I tried to withdraw my profits, the platform froze. Emails went unanswered, support chats died, and my “investment” vanished into the digital ether. I’d been scammed, and the sting of it burned deep.Desperate, I stumbled across Alpha Spy Nest while scouring the web for help. Their site/reviews didn’t promise miracles, just results, specialists in tracking down lost funds from online scams. Skeptical but out of options, I reached out. The process started with a simple form: I detailed the scam, uploaded screenshots of transactions, and shared the wallet addresses I’d sent my crypto to. Within hours, they confirmed they’d take my case.What followed was like watching a high-stakes chess game unfold, though I only saw the moves, not the players. Alpha Spy Nest dove into the blockchain, tracing my funds through a maze of wallets designed to obscure their path. They explained how scammers often use mixers to launder crypto, but certain patterns like timing and wallet clustering, could still betray them. I didn’t understand half of it, but their confidence kept me hopeful. Hours later, they updated me: my money had landed in an exchange account tied to the scam network. They’d identified it through a mix of on-chain analysis and intel from sources I’d never grasp. After 24 hours, i got a message, my funds were frozen in the scammer’s account pending review. Alpha Spy Nest had apparently flagged it just in time.  After some back-and-forth, the exchange with the help of Alpha Spy Nest reversed the transactions, and $145,000 of my original $156,000 hit my wallet. The rest, they said, was likely gone forever, siphoned off early. I never met anyone from Alpha Spy Nest, never heard a voice or saw a face. Yet, their methodical precision pulled me back from the brink. My money wasn’t fully restored, but the recovery felt like a win, a lifeline from a faceless ally in a world of digital shadows. If you find yourself in the same situation, you can also reach out to them via: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, whatsapp: ‪+15132924878‬, telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest,

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Carmen Beechum 8 hours ago
Brumbies on high alert: Len Ikitau’s stark warning over ex-boss

(Telegram: https:// t. me/Pro_ Wizard_ Gilbert_ Recovery)Email (pro wizard gilbert recovery (@) engineer. com)I never imagined I would fall victim to a cryptocurrency scam, but that's exactly what happened. My name is [Carmen Beechum, and I invested $500,000 into what | believed was a legitimate trading platform. Everything appeared professional-the website was well-designed, customer service was responsive, and my trading account even showed promising returns.It all seemed too good to be false.However, when I attempted to withdraw my funds, I was met with endless delays and excuses. First, they claimed there were technical issues, then they needed additional verification, and finally, they requested a release fee before processing my withdrawal. Despite complying with their demands, my account was eventually frozen, and all communication from the platform ceased. That's when reality hit me—l had been scammed out of half a million dollars. Desperate to find a way to recover my money, I searched online for solutions. That's when I came across PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY, a company dedicated to helping victims of online financial fraud. At first, I was skeptical-after all, I had already been deceived once, and the last thing I wanted was to fall for another scam. But after speaking with their team and reviewing their success stories, I decided to take a chance.Their experts immediately got to work, using advanced blockchain forensics and investigative tools to trace my stolen funds. WhatsApp: +1 (920) 408‑1234They identified the fraudulent wallets where my money had been transferred and collaborated with financial institutions and law enforcement agencies to take action. Thanks to their persistence and expertise, they were able to freeze the scammers' accounts and successfully recover my $500,000. What seemed like a devastating loss turned into a remarkable recovery. I am incredibly grateful to PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY for not only retrieving my funds but also restoring my peace of mind. My experience serves as a warning to others-always be cautious with online investments, but if you ever become a victim, know that recovery is possible with the right experts on your side.

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