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U20 : la pluie perturbe la dernière journée de la phase de poule

Par Willy Billiard
ATHLONE, AFRIQUE DU SUD - 9 JUILLET 2024 : L'équipe des espaces verts sur la pelouse de l'Athlone Stadium, en Afrique du Sud, lors de la troisième journée du Championnat des moins de 20 ans. (Photo par Carl Fourie/World Rugby)

Comme on s’y attendait, la pluie s’est abattue avec force sur la région du Cap pour la troisième et dernière journée des matchs de poule du Championnat U20 World Rugby.


Ces conditions climatiques ont fait une première victime, le match Irlande vs. Australie qui devait ouvrir la journée. Un coup dur pour ce qui devait décider qui des deux allait terminer en tête de la Poule B et donc se qualifier automatiquement pour les demi-finales du 14 juillet.

World Rugby U20 Championship
Ireland U20
9 Juil 24
Australia U20
Toutes les stats et les données

En raison de l’annulation de la rencontre, deux points sont attribués à chacune des équipes. Par conséquent, l’Irlande remporte la poule B et se qualifie pour les demi-finales, au grand dam des Australiens qui vont devoir attendre les résultats des autres rencontres pour voir si, malgré leurs dix points, ils peuvent se qualifier en tant que meilleure deuxième équipe.

Le statut est ultra convoité car le Pays de Galles, la France, l’Afrique du Sud et l’Argentine peuvent également y prétendre.

« En raison des fortes pluies qui se sont abattues sur la région du Cap le mardi 9 juillet, la pelouse de l’Athlone Stadium a été inspectée en partenariat avec les organisateurs et les officiels de match et a été déclarée impropre à la pratique du jeu », a confirmé World Rugby dans un communiqué.


« En conséquence, le premier match prévu à cet endroit entre l’Irlande U20 et l’Australie U20 a été annulé et, conformément aux règles du tournoi, les deux équipes se sont vu attribuer deux points de compétition.

Le France vs. Pays de Galles confirmé

A l’occasion d’une nouvelle mise à jour publiée une demi-heure avant le coup d’envoi de France vs. Pays de Galles, World Rugby a rassuré les fans.

« Après de nouvelles vérifications effectuées par les organisateurs et les officiels de match à l’Athlone Stadium, le terrain a été suffisamment drainé pour permettre la reprise du tournoi dans des conditions sûres.


« Les matchs du Championnat U20 World Rugby qui restent sur le site, notamment France U20 – Pays de Galles U20 (16h30 GMT+2) et Afrique du Sud U20 – Angleterre U20 (19h00 GMT+2), se dérouleront comme prévu.

« Les conditions météorologiques et l’état des terrains continueront d’être surveillés de près jusqu’à la fin de la journée. »





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JWH 26 minutes ago
Roigard recalled as All Blacks squad for Northern Tour named

Boring selections overall.

Props - Perfect, couldn't have asked for better, these guys are the best in the world atm.

Locks - good, would have liked to see Lord or someone similar, but overall pretty good.

Flankers - what more does Lakai need to do to get a shout? I understand mixing in older players for experience, but Savea and Cane know all of the tricks of the trade, no need for Papalii and Finau. Bring in Kirifi, lovely work off the ball and good frame.

Halfbacks - excellent selection. TJ for experience (hopefully little to no gametime as he has been horrid). Welcome back Roigard, looking fit and strong.

First-fives - come on guys, get somebody new or get Richie Mo back, because DMac is a pitiful 10 and BB hasn't run the cutter properly for years. Plummer is obviously the next option (even if he is horrid), but just try something. Maybe we can see a promotion from the All Blacks XV in the 10 shirt soon.

Midfielders - Proctor better get a run. Other than that, good. Havili is massively underrated and he can injury cover everywhere, plus he has worked with Razor before so he knows what he wants.

Outside Backs- Most promising set of outside backs in the world. Hopefully Love gets some love against Japan and Italy. CC and WJ have been phenomenal. Telea out of form, but hopefully he sorts it out as he is so good when he is in form (even if he sucks on defense).

I look forward to the All Blacks XV selections, they'll tell us who will be in the squad at the next RWC.

I think Razor is trying to get the old guys to pass on their knowledge, so that way when he does bring in more young players that wealth of dark arts isn't completely lost (I hope this is what he's doing, if he isn't I'm going to lose my mind).

Overall, nothing unexpected. Still shocking the lack of depth at 10, and the age of the loose forwards is appauling. Can't wait for Taukei'aho to be back and fit, hopefully Perofeta tears is up like he did against England.

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JW 1 hour ago
It's time to stop hating on Damian McKenzie, the best 10 in the Championship

My bad, one real miss isn't that bad though. Dmac's obviously got a lot more to his game, he arguably does too much work for the team covering as a full back, taking the contestables and counter attacking, but he's only been playing 10 for two years, and maybe in his youth. It shows in my opinion, and this is where the criticism is laid, and will only been resolved over time. Albornoz is as described in the previous article ranking him higher than Dmac, that BS is replying to, a true ten. He's been at it his whole career, and has already gone through this transition period of find out what is required from a 10 at the top level. In my opinion this is what really counts above this 'all-round' advantage that you want to give him, especially with the criticism being laid on him.

Again, he is simply putting his own opinion forward after others had commented on him compared to, not only their 10's, but how well Argentina and South Africa are playing in general. That is the volume of criticism laid on McKenzies feet, which is the article I think criticisms are more worth of being placed. At least Ben is comparing apples with apples. I also suggest you watching the English games to get a better perspective of how well he can play in varying games. He might not have looked completely assured in those games (his first at getting a run at 10) but he executed superbly and hardly made a mistake.

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