6 hours ago Six Nations Ben Earl: 'Literally half the stuff I do is basically as a 12 anyway'
England must beat Wales and hope other results go their way to lift the title.
It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Fin Smith has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by England is finished off by Elliot Daly
This is dangerous for the defence as Elliot Daly bursts through to advance the England attack.
Spellbinding play by Fin Smith is finished off with a try.
Elliot Daly comes on.
Henry Slade comes off.
Thomas Ramos has kicked a conversion.
A series of passes by France results in a try for Louis Bielle-Biarrey
A gap opened in the defence and Louis Bielle-Biarrey took full advantage.
Yoram Moefana played a key part in that try.
A gap opened in the defence and Damian Penaud took full advantage.
Fin Smith has kicked a conversion.
Fin Baxter scores the try from close range.
A gap opened in the defence and Ollie Sleightholme took full advantage.
The touch judges have waved away the attempt by Marcus Smith as they hook it left.
France make a substitution with Nolann Le Garrec coming on.
France make a substitution with Matthieu Jalibert coming off.
France make a substitution with Mickael Guillard coming on.
France make a substitution with Emmanuel Meafou coming off.
The defensive line has been broken as Jamie George goes through the gap.
England sub Ollie Chessum comes onto the field.
George Martin departs for England.
England sub Jamie George comes onto the field.
Luke Cowan-Dickie departs for England.
Thomas Ramos hits the right post with the conversion, failing to add the two points.
Great hands by France leads to a try for Damian Penaud
The defensive line has been broken as Damian Penaud goes through the gap.
Spellbinding play by Louis Bielle-Biarrey is finished off with a try.
The defensive line has been broken as Oscar Jegou goes through the gap.
Joe Heyes comes on for England.
Will Stuart leaves the field.
Marcus Smith has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts.
A pinpoint kick has enabled Tommy Freeman to score the try.
What a run here by Tommy Freeman as they get over the gainline!
Fin Smith played a key part in that try.
Georges-Henri Colombe comes on for France.
Uini Atonio leaves the field.
Julien Marchand comes on for France.
Peato Mauvaka leaves the field.
Cyril Baille comes on for France.
Jean-Baptiste Gros leaves the field.
Thomas Ramos adds the points for France.
Ben Curry comes on.
Tom Willis comes off.
Fin Baxter comes on.
Ellis Genge comes off.
France decide to make a substitution, with Oscar Jegou getting some game time.
France decide to make a substitution, with Paul Boudehent being replaced.
France decide to make a substitution, with Hugo Auradou getting some game time.
France decide to make a substitution, with Alexandre Roumat being replaced.
Thomas Ramos makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
Ollie Sleightholme makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Louis Bielle-Biarrey makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Marcus Smith does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Incisive passing by England is finished off by Ollie Lawrence, as they goes over for the try.
Fabulous play by England has led to Ollie Lawrence being able to wriggle through a gap.
Tommy Freeman sets up the try.
Fabulous play by England has led to Tommy Freeman being able to wriggle through a gap.
Trouble here as Marcus Smith breaches the defence.
Thomas Ramos does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Louis Bielle-Biarrey gathers the kick to score the try for France.
Spellbinding play by Damian Penaud is finished off with a try.
Trouble here as Thomas Ramos breaches the defence.
This is dangerous for the defence as Pierre-Louis Barassi bursts through to advance the France attack.
Thomas Ramos steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the left.
A gap opened in the defence and Thomas Ramos took full advantage.
The defensive line has been broken as Pierre-Louis Barassi goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.
England must beat Wales and hope other results go their way to lift the title.
Les Bleus won 42-27 in Dublin last weekend to end Ireland’s Grand Slam hopes.
Wales will aim to harness the passion of their home crowd but the game will be decided by form, not historical enmity, with Englan…
Townsend is heartened by the way his team have performed against the French recently.
Congrats England! Despite Smith, played just well enough. Neither team perfect.
What a pity. Oh well. Good job England.
Now you’re really stuck with Borthwick.
How did that happen, we have a French side capable of putting 30pts between themselves and any other international team in the 6 Nations competition and yet we have a 26-25 loss the most impossible result EVER. Yep can’t get rid of Borthwick now overnight he’s the best international rugby union coach on the planet.., what a joke…
Smith appears only to know how to make mistakes. Endless. Local club 2nd grade standard at best.
Maybe he's there to make the rest to feel better about themselves.
It’s a good thing Borthwick kept Marcus in the starting 15 for his kicking capabilities.
France. 15 or more.
Marchons ! Marchons !
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons !
Mmmm?? Quick the delete button. If only to maintain any reputation of yours left.
It's going to be really close. I reckon 60% chance France win.