3 days ago Super Rugby Pacific Wallabies wing Dylan Pietsch returns for Force’s crunch clash with Reds
Wallabies winger Dylan Pietsch is back for the Western Force ahead of Saturday night’s Aussie derby against the Queensland Reds.
It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Ben Donaldson converts the try.
Brilliant skill shown there by Ben Donaldson as they go over the white wash for a try.
Trouble here as Ben Donaldson breaches the defence.
Carlo Tizzano sets up the try.
Mac Grealy comes on for Western Force.
Marley Pearce leaves the field.
This is dangerous for the defence as Kyren Taumoefolau bursts through to advance the Moana Pasifika attack.
Ben Donaldson has kicked a conversion.
Dylan Pietsch goes on their own for a try.
Issak Fines-Leleiwasa played a key part in that try.
Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Issak Fines-Leleiwasa getting some game time.
Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Nic White being replaced.
William Havili curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
What a kick! Jonathan Taumateine takes full advantage to score for Moana Pasifika.
That's a great try assist by William Havili.
A gap opened in the defence and Kyren Taumoefolau took full advantage.
William Havili has kicked a conversion.
Semisi Tupou Ta'eiloa scores the try from close range.
Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Marley Pearce getting some game time.
Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Mac Grealy being replaced.
Tom Robertson (Western Force) is shown a yellow card
Western Force make a substitution with Reed Prinsep coming on.
Western Force make a substitution with Darcy Swain coming off.
Western Force make a substitution with Tom Robertson coming on.
Western Force make a substitution with Tiaan Tauakipulu coming off.
Western Force make a substitution with Max Burey coming on.
Western Force make a substitution with Sio Tomkinson coming off.
Moana Pasifika make a substitution with Melani Matavao coming on.
Moana Pasifika make a substitution with Miracle Faiilagi coming off.
Moana Pasifika sub Ola Tauelangi comes onto the field.
Solomon Alaimalo departs for Moana Pasifika.
Western Force sub Atu Moli comes onto the field.
Marley Pearce departs for Western Force.
William Havili hits the left post with the conversion, failing to add the two points.
Moana Pasifika are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Kyren Taumoefolau touching down.
Spellbinding play by Jonathan Taumateine is finished off with a try.
The defensive line has been broken as William Havili goes through the gap.
Will Harris comes on for Western Force.
Vaiolini Ekuasi leaves the field.
Semisi Tupou Ta'eiloa comes on for Moana Pasifika.
Sione Havili Talitui leaves the field.
Tom Savage comes on for Moana Pasifika.
Samuel Slade leaves the field.
Tiaan Tauakipulu comes on.
Tom Robertson comes off.
Tom Horton comes on.
Nic Dolly comes off.
What a run here by Miracle Faiilagi as they get over the gainline!
Sama Malolo comes on.
Mills Sanerivi comes off.
Tito Tuipulotu comes on.
James Lay comes off.
Chris Apoua comes on.
Feleti Sae-Ta'ufo'ou comes off.
Danny Toala comes on.
Lalomilo Lalomilo comes off.
The touch judges raise their flags as Ben Donaldson kicks the conversion.
The defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Marley Pearce dots the ball down from close range.
Darcy Swain sets up the try.
Dylan Pietsch makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Dylan Pietsch getting some game time.
Western Force decide to make a substitution, with Divad Palu being replaced.
Kyren Taumoefolau makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
William Havili kicks the penalty.
Ben Donaldson does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The Western Force maul pushes over the tryline as Carlo Tizzano scores.
William Havili does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Silky skills by Moana Pasifika ends with a try for Pepesana Patafilo.
Spellbinding play by Miracle Faiilagi is finished off with a try.
Trouble here as Miracle Faiilagi breaches the defence.
Ben Donaldson makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
Silky skills by Western Force ends with a try for Mac Grealy.
Ben Donaldson played a key part in that try.
Trouble here as Ben Donaldson breaches the defence.
Ben Donaldson makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
Great forward play by Western Force allows Carlo Tizzano to score the try.
Jackson Garden-Bachop does the business as their drop goal attempt goes over.
Ben Donaldson does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
William Havili converts the try.
A series of passes by Moana Pasifika results in a try for Jackson Garden-Bachop
Solomon Alaimalo sets up the try.
A gap opened in the defence and Solomon Alaimalo took full advantage.
William Havili converts the try.
A series of passes by Moana Pasifika results in a try for Kyren Taumoefolau
A gap opened in the defence and Kyren Taumoefolau took full advantage.
William Havili played a key part in that try.
A gap opened in the defence and Divad Palu took full advantage.
The defensive line has been broken as Lalomilo Lalomilo goes through the gap.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.
Wallabies winger Dylan Pietsch is back for the Western Force ahead of Saturday night’s Aussie derby against the Queensland Reds.
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