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All Blacks 'look at facts and take out the emotion' in first review of loss

By Ned Lester
AllBlacks coaches Scott Hansen, Scott Robertson and Leon MacDonald. Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

There was no clouding of judgements in New Zealand’s review of their round one Rugby Championship loss to Argentina, with a purely analytical lens applied to the game tape according to defence coach Scott Hansen.


Hansen, known for not mincing his words, was as direct as ever when speaking to media on Monday at the All Blacks team hotel, owning the poor performance and the fact the team needed to find a new level physically and mentally.

Consistently throughout the week leading into the Test, the Kiwi side talked about starting strongly to avoid a repeat of 2021’s historic loss in Christchurch. Once the game kicked off however, Argentina were quick to push the All Blacks backwards with powerful defence and then following the exit, took just two phases to make it from halfway to the 22m line.

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There was plenty of attacking ambition with the ball in hand and the trademark Argentinian physicality on defence, and despite conceding 10 penalties in the first half, the visitors were able to play in the right areas of the field.

“If you look at facts and take out the emotion, the facts are we were caught in our own half,” Hansen said. “Our efficiency of getting out of there wasn’t good enough.

“Argentina were allowed to apply pressure on us and we didn’t respond well enough in that area of the field.

“So, what does that look like? The efficiency, the understanding of us getting out of our half better to play. As we got into the Argentinian half, the facts show, when we apply pressure, we come away with points.


“But also our skillset at times let us down in the execution. So, that’ll be our focus.”

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Execution was a buzzword following the game, with Barrett brothers Beauden and Jordie as well as Ethan Blackadder quick to point out how below par the team had performed in that area after the game.

Jordie told media that while the lack of execution can impact players’ confidence, it was no excuse for the result. Hansen expanded on that on Monday, saying the players have to go through the emotions and come through the other side.

“They’re men. You let them feel it, you let them feel it because they care. So, you give them the time and space to feel that, and we still are. There’s hurt there, and there should be.

“As we get into our week, and that started with the review this morning, now is the process around from that learning where is your engagement around the opportunity to be better? What does it look like as a team? But first and foremost as an individual, where we are, where are your learnings and where can you be better?”



To push for a better result in round two’s rematch at Eden Park, the team will have to find the balance between emotion and composure.

“A good athlete has both, he has the ability to use his skills under pressure, when there’s resilience needed, mentally he can stay connected around his skillsets.

“In life, not everything goes your way but your next play is the opportunity to confirm, reset your quality control.

“So, our challenge as a group is, today we’ve used the word ‘finish’, our skillsets you finish, so how we prepare this week will be around that.”




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JW 37 days ago

Lomax is not proving up to the consistency of an All Black and should be dropped. Constantly shirked his duties around thel ruck is still getting taking done by those most weak bootlace tackles. Don't get me wrong, he's still our best, hes just not good enough yet to be the key player that playing game after game suggests they think he is. Get the fresh young props in there that want to smash their opponent all around the field, not just in the scrum and tell Tyrel thats what we want more of from him (because I'm sure some aggression will show us thats whats missing).

Taylor is the best available but he's not playing upto par either, just give Aumua a chance to prove he can be Sami's backup and actually give him a role that suits his goddamn abilities.

Switching out Finau for the Fiji game has to be those most stupid mistake Razor has made yet and Foster would go a long way to beat. It set up this weeks fail when Jacobsen was also ruled out and the poor opportunities given to the subs compounded it. Dalton should be given another chance to put his stamp on the game, so perhaps Cane comes in at blindside. We also only needed either Reiko or Jordan on the bench, not 3 backs.

Ofa (because I liked his interview so he gets first half)




Vaa'i (perhaps captain if Patrick isn't ready)



















MattJH 37 days ago

Need some ball carriers up front. Pick a loose forward trio and give them time together to gel.

Finau deserves another go at 6, I think singling him out of the pack for those England tests was a bit harsh.

Ardie at 7.

Wallace at 8.

Give these guys the next 3 games with Jacobson/Paps fighting it out over the bench spot.

GM 37 days ago

I agree Scott Hansen has got to abandon the corporate bull-speak. The 'looking at ourselves' trope will be tested in their selections this weekend. JK on Breakdown said one of his failings as a coach was that he was 'pig-headed'. Show you're not, Razor, admit you got it wrong with ALB at centre. If you want to play him, drop Jordie. The worst 'outcome' from all these 'learnings' would be that this weekend Reece gets dropped (good), Telea is shifted to where he's comfortable at right wing (also good) Caleb is brought in at left wing (also good) but you persevere with ALB at centre instead of allowing Reiko to partner wings he plays with every week in Super (DUMB!)

RD 37 days ago

Guys as a Saffa I think the AB does not know what their DNA is anymore. Secondly the top 5 Teams in the world has lost the fear of playing the AB. Only the boks in the past stood a chance 1/2 of beating the AB. It all started chancing when Ireland won the series in New Zeeland, please this is not to knock the AB as I can remember well when the AB pundits said in 2016/2017 we need a strong Springbok side to make our rugby strong. All 5 or 6 top sides can beat each other on the day, the French is only good playing at home, Ireland and England could have easily won the two test the other day. I think Ireland is a very good side at the moment and I don't think they always get the recognition for how good they are. As for the English it's the one team I hate loosing too just a Afrikaans / English thing going back many years "however I'm married to a Pommie" their rugby is on the up and in 2027 they will be knocking on the World Cup door again. As for the AB go back and go find your DNA as I honestly don't think the management knows anymore, Test rugby has moved on from just troughing the ball around and rely on flair to win games. Saturday will be another story the AB will be up for it and put a big score on the board and then they think all is well again, the problem is deeper then is currently showing. Everybody wanted Ian's Fosters head I said to a friend of mine Test Rugby is not Super Rugby with the Crusaders now you are playing the best of the best of other countries.

MQ 35 days ago

I agree about the DNA point-for me ABs DNA is in click plays and right now we are not hurting teams in transition

JW 37 days ago

They're playing the rugby RD, they just don't have that confidence that AB teams used to have. The population has moved on from what you likely have as a picture of NZ DNA. Rugby is the same, just the people are different so go about it differently, if that's what you meant.

We said it in 2016/17 RD because that's when we noticed our own game declining. It is a double edged sword of the opposition having more belief, along with our own declining confidence imo.

DS 37 days ago

Wonder if Robertson's time might have been better employed building for the Breaking Olympic spot rather than pestering Ian Foster for his job. Razor as a name is a great start anyway.

JW 37 days ago

Haha fail

DS 37 days ago

"Execution was the buzz word"

Changes need to be made for sure, but execution sounds a bit harsh, with just four games gone and only one loss?

JW 37 days ago

It's one of those fancy corperate speak terms, it means when someone passes the ball to you, don't run away from it, execute the catch.

Terry24 37 days ago

There was a decade of 'execution' talk around Ireland in the 90s. Nothing comes of it. Peter Clohissy almost having his knob chopped in a food guillotine messing on the piss after another hammering was closest.

CA 37 days ago

I appreciate that they are honest with the disappointment of loosing, far better than Ian Foster crediting the other side; to the point of removing standards from the ABs.

DS 37 days ago

What's wrong with crediting the other side - that's what grownups do? Better than publicly picking on players or blaming the officials? Argentina were better prepared, played with more energy and passion so deserve to be praised.

Kiwi Olympians have shown this excellent attitude towards other competitors and even old Trumpy noticed it.

Terry24 37 days ago

New Zealand didn't expect a fight and deep down didnt think Argentina would be close enough to make it a fight. They lost a fight they hadn't prepared for. They will prepare respectfully this week.

Mitch 37 days ago

Scott Hansen used a vast amount of words to say stuff all.

Toaster 37 days ago

“Not known for mincing his words”

On the contrary, the meat grinder was on over drive

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