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Bayonne : fracture de la main pour Manu Tuilagi

Par Jérémy Fahner
Manu Tuilagi va manquer le début de saison en Top 14 (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images).

Le centre international anglais de Bayonne Manu Tuilagi, blessé lors du match de préparation face à Biarritz, souffre d’une fracture de la main qui devrait le tenir éloigné des terrains entre six et huit semaines, a indiqué lundi l’Aviron.


Le stade Jean-Dauger va devoir patienter avant de voir à l’oeuvre l’international anglais de 33 ans, recrue phare des Basques.

L’ancien joueur de Sale a reçu un coup à la main qui a occasionné une fracture. Le retour sur les terrains de Tuilagi, qui manquera les retrouvailles avec son neveu et international français Posolo Tuilagi, évoluant à Perpignan, le 7 septembre en ouverture du Top 14, n’est pas prévu avant la mi-octobre.

Par ailleurs, trois autres joueurs ont rejoint l’infirmerie à l’issue de ce derby amical. Le centre Guillaume Martocq souffre d’une entorse de la cheville, le demi de mêlée Guillaume Rouet de douleurs aux ischios-jambiers et le pilier Swan Cormenier d’une entorse acromio-claviculaire.

Leur participation à la journée initiale contre l’USAP n’est pour l’heure pas remise en cause.

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Nickers 2 hours ago
The changes Scott Robertson must make to address All Blacks’ bench woes

Hopefully Robertson and co aren't applying this type of thinking to their selections, although some of their moves this year have suggested that might be the case.

The first half of Foster's tenure, when he was surrounded by coaches who were not up to the task, was disastrous due to this type of reactionary chopping and changing. No clear plan of the direction of travel or what needs to be built to get there. Just constant tinkering. A player gets dropped one week, on the bench the next, back to starting the next, dropped for the next week again. Add in injuries and other variations of this selection pattern, combined with vastly different game plans from one week to the next and it's no wonder the team isn't clicking on attack and are making incredibly basic errors on both sides of the ball.

When Schmidt and Ryan got involved selections became far more consistent and the game plan far simpler and the dividends were instant, and they accepted bad performances as part of building towards the world cup. They were able to distinguish between bad plans and bad execution and by the time the finals rolled around they were playing their best rugby as a team.

Chopping and changing the team each week sends the signal that you don't really know what you are doing or why, and you are just reacting to what happened last week, selecting a team to replay the previous game rather than preparing for the next one and building for the future.

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