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France France

Entre les Pumas et la France, un quart de siècle de passion

Des magiciens comme Juan Martin Hernandez (ballon en main) ou des joueurs de devoir comme Patricio Albacete (à droite) : l'Argentine sait produire tous les profils de joueurs, et le Top 14 en profite depuis de longues années. (Photo NICOLAS TUCAT/AFP via Getty Images)

Alors que la France va affronter l’Argentine vendredi soir au Stade de France, RugbyPass vous propose de remonter le temps au gré des arrivées des Pumas dans notre championnat.

Les Argentins et le rugby français, c’est une belle histoire qui dure depuis 25 ans, et qui ne semble pas près de s’arrêter.Le groupe argentin retenu pour affronter la France, vendredi soir, comporte dix joueurs évoluant dans le Top 14.

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Une habitude pour les Pumas initiée par quelques pionniers dans les années 1990, avant que les années 2000 ne marquent une impressionnante migration des meilleurs joueurs venus de la Pampa vers notre championnat.

La création de la franchise des Jaguares en 2016 avait permis à l’Argentine de rapatrier la plupart de ses meilleurs joueurs au pays.

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Felipe Contepomi on the passion of Argentina | RPTV

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Felipe Contepomi on the passion of Argentina | RPTV

Leinster and Argentina legend Felipe Contepomi chats to former teammate Brian O’Driscoll about coaching Argentina. Watch the full clip on RugbyPass TV

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Mais l’effondrement en 2020 de l’équipe finaliste du Super Rugby 2019, notamment à cause de la crise sanitaire liée au Covid-19, a relancé de plus belle l’exode.

Même si les Argentins s’exportent désormais aussi en Angleterre (Montoya, S. Carreras, Boffelli) voire dans les championnats professionnels de l’hémisphère Sud (Matera, Cubelli), la France reste leur destination privilégiée. Tour d’horizon.

Reggiardo, Hasan et Arbizu les pionniers

Le début de l’attraction argentine dans le rugby français remonte à la fin des années 1990. À cette époque, le rugby à XV est devenu professionnel depuis peu, mais pas en Argentine.

Mauricio Reggiardo est sans doute le premier à venir tenter sa chance dans l’Hexagone, à Castres. L’actuel manager de Provence Rugby (Pro D2) est suivi peu de temps après par Omar Hasan à Auch et Lisandro Arbizu à Brive.

La Coupe du Monde 1999 organisée en partie en France donne un coup de projecteur aux Pumas, qui évoluent pour la plupart au pays, dans un championnat 100% amateur.


Deux clubs historiques mais pas parmi les plus riches sont les premiers à chercher fortune au pays des gauchos : le FC Grenoble et le RC Narbonne.

Les Isérois font venir Sebastián Rondinelli de La Plata en 1999, puis Diego Albanese, Ezequiel Jurado, Federico Werner et Federico Todeschini l’année suivante.

Dans l’Aude, on accueille Gonzalo Quesada et Nani Corletto en 2000, puis Martin Scelzo, Gonzalo Longo, Mario Ledesma et Federico Pucciariello (international italien mais né à Rosario) en 2001.

Corletto Narbonne
Nani Corletto sous le maillot du RC Narbonne durant la finale du Bouclier européen 2001 perdue contre les Harlequins, sous le regard de Mario Ledesma en arrière-plan. (Photo Jamie McDonald/Allsport)

La mode est lancée. « Notre côté latin, notre facilité d’adaptation, et nos valeurs du rugby, similaires à celles des Français, font que c’est facile pour nous de venir en France », expliquait Reggiardo à France Info en 2021.

« La sociabilité et la capacité à s’adapter à n’importe quel environnement sont des qualités qui nous différencient du reste des joueurs », confirme l’ancien Montpelliérain (2010-2013) et Bayonnais (2013-2019) Martin Bustos Moyano dans les colonnes de La Voz.

Au débuts des années 2000, les Argentins fuient la crise dans leur pays et débarquent en masse

Le caractère jovial des Argentins, l’habitude de se retrouver le dimanche autour de l’asado (la grillade à la mode argentine), l’effort qu’ils fournissent pour apprendre la langue, tout ça en fait des compagnons de jeu idéaux.

Au début des années 2000, les Pumas arrivent en masse en France. Tous les clubs d’élite en raffolent et presque tous en comptent au moins un, à la manière des Fidjiens aujourd’hui.

Aux noms précédemment nommés s’ajoutent les Rimas Alvarez Kairelis, Jose Orengo (Perpignan), Sebastian Bozzi, Diego Giannantonio (La Rochelle), Ignacio Fernández Lobbe (Bègles-Bordeaux), Agustin Pichot, Juan Martín Hernández, Rodrigo Roncero, Patricio Noriega, Juan Manuel Leguizamón (Stade Français), Patricio Albacete (Colomiers), Manuel Carizza, Agustin Creevy, Federico Aramburú, Martín Gaitán (Biarritz), Nicolás Fernández Miranda (Bayonne), Juan Martín Fernández Lobbe (Toulon), Eduardo Simone (Brive), Hernán Senillosa (Clermont), Miguel Avramovic (Montauban)…


La liste est vaste et pourtant loin d’être exhaustive, car l’attraction est mutuelle. Les Argentins, frappés de plein fouet par la crise économique, politique et sociale qui touche leur pays viennent chercher fortune et sécurité sur le Vieux continent, mais les clubs français y trouvent aussi leur compte.

« Nous avons aussi une très bonne école de rugby », poursuit Bustos Moyano. « Physiquement, nous ne sommes pas des monstres, mais il y a du courage, de l’adresse et nous arrivons à bien faire les choses ». Sans oublier le grain de folie qu’ils sont capables de mettre sur le terrain, qui n’est pas sans rappeler le French flair.

Les années 2010 marquent un certain ralentissement des échanges, notamment durant les quatre années d’existence des Jaguares (2016-2020). Mais de grands noms des Pumas viennent tout de même illuminer le Top 14 comme Felipe Contepomi (Toulon puis Stade Français), Juan Imhoff (Racing), Facundo Isa (Lyon puis Toulon), Nicolás Sánchez (Bordeaux-Bègles puis Stade Français) ou encore Pablo Matera (Stade Français).

Jaguares Brumbies
La franchise argentine des Jaguares a atteint la finale du Super Rugby 2019, en battant les Brumbies en demi-finales. (Photo ALEJANDRO PAGNI/AFP via Getty Images)

La source ne se tarit pas lors de la décennie actuelle. Si Tomás Cubelli (ex BO), Jeronimo de la Fuente (USAP) et Martín Landajo (USAP et désormais Carcassonne), Domingo Miotti (Montpellier) ne jouent plus avec les Pumas, dix des joueurs préparant la confrontation face aux Bleus sont pensionnaires du Top 14.

L’Europe admire la capacité de l’Argentine à battre les plus grandes nations malgré des moyens réduits

Marcos Kremer et Bautista Delguy portent les couleurs de Clermont, Ignacio Ruiz et Joaquín Oviedo celles de Perpignan, Joel Sclavi évolue à La Rochelle, Juan Cruz Mallía à Toulouse, Guido Petti porte le maillot de l’UBB depuis quatre saisons, Mateo Carreras celui de Bayonne, Francisco Gómez Kodela défend vaillamment le Stade Français à 39 ans et enfin Ignacio Calles est un joueur de la Section Paloise.

Sans oublier qu’en 2025, Julian Montoya devrait jouer à Pau lui aussi, tandis que Tomás Albornoz et Gonzalo García sont respectivement dans le viseur de Clermont et Bordeaux-Bègles.

« En Europe, on admire la capacité du rugby argentin à évoluer, à se frotter aux plus grandes nations et à les battre. Beaucoup soulignent l’évolution physique des joueurs, même s’ils soulignent que cette évolution leur a fait perdre certaines compétences », analyse l’ancien arrière à la technique soyeuse, reconverti agent immobilier au Pays basque. « Mais malgré cela, le rugby argentin est très bien considéré par les Européens ».

Et visiblement, ce n’est pas près de changer.


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spencer werner 1 hour ago
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As an artist, I’ve always been focused on my creative pursuits and never really ventured into the world of high-risk financial investments. But, like many others, I was drawn to the idea of making money quickly through Forex trading. Unfortunately, I fell victim to a Forex scam and lost a large portion of my savings. The financial loss was devastating, but the emotional toll was even worse. I felt betrayed, and hopeless, and wasn’t sure where to turn next. One day, while browsing through Red Note, a platform where people connect over shared experiences, I came across a post from someone who had gone through a similar situation. They shared how they managed to recover their lost funds through a company called Tech Cyber Force Recovery. Desperate for a solution, I decided to reach out to them and explain what had happened to me. I was initially skeptical, unsure whether this was just another scam or if it could be the real deal. To my surprise, the team at Tech Cyber Force Recovery was professional, compassionate, and genuinely interested in helping. They listened carefully to my story and assured me that they had the expertise and resources to help recover my lost funds. The process would take time, they said, and I’d need to provide some documentation, but they were confident that they could help. After several conversations and a thorough investigation, they started working on my case. The results were incredible. Within a relatively short period, Tech Cyber Force Recovery managed to recover nearly all of the funds I had lost. It wasn’t an easy process, and it required patience, but the team’s dedication, attention to detail, and methodical approach paid off. I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. What had once seemed like a permanent loss was now being reversed, thanks to the help of Tech Cyber Force Recovery. Not only did the recovery restore my financial situation, but it also restored my sense of trust and confidence. I had almost given up hope, but now, with my funds recovered, I feel like I can move forward. I’ve learned valuable lessons from this experience, and I’m more cautious about my financial decisions in the future. What began as a desperate search on Red Note turned into a life-changing recovery. Thanks to Tech Cyber Force Recovery, I now feel more hopeful about my financial future, with the knowledge that recovery is possible.telegram (@)techcyberforc  texts (+1

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spencer werner 1 hour ago
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As an artist, I’ve always been focused on my creative pursuits and never really ventured into the world of high-risk financial investments. But, like many others, I was drawn to the idea of making money quickly through Forex trading. Unfortunately, I fell victim to a Forex scam and lost a large portion of my savings. The financial loss was devastating, but the emotional toll was even worse. I felt betrayed, and hopeless, and wasn’t sure where to turn next. One day, while browsing through Red Note, a platform where people connect over shared experiences, I came across a post from someone who had gone through a similar situation. They shared how they managed to recover their lost funds through a company called Tech Cyber Force Recovery. Desperate for a solution, I decided to reach out to them and explain what had happened to me. I was initially skeptical, unsure whether this was just another scam or if it could be the real deal. To my surprise, the team at Tech Cyber Force Recovery was professional, compassionate, and genuinely interested in helping. They listened carefully to my story and assured me that they had the expertise and resources to help recover my lost funds. The process would take time, they said, and I’d need to provide some documentation, but they were confident that they could help. After several conversations and a thorough investigation, they started working on my case. The results were incredible. Within a relatively short period, Tech Cyber Force Recovery managed to recover nearly all of the funds I had lost. It wasn’t an easy process, and it required patience, but the team’s dedication, attention to detail, and methodical approach paid off. I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. What had once seemed like a permanent loss was now being reversed, thanks to the help of Tech Cyber Force Recovery. Not only did the recovery restore my financial situation, but it also restored my sense of trust and confidence. I had almost given up hope, but now, with my funds recovered, I feel like I can move forward. I’ve learned valuable lessons from this experience, and I’m more cautious about my financial decisions in the future. What began as a desperate search on Red Note turned into a life-changing recovery. Thanks to Tech Cyber Force Recovery, I now feel more hopeful about my financial future, with the knowledge that recovery is possible.telegram (@)techcyberforc  texts (+1

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mark john 5 hours ago
Premiership Cup semi-final draw and dates confirmed

It was a cold evening when I realized I had lost everything. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at my empty crypto wallet. Three hundred thousand dollars’ worth of Bitcoin—gone. I had fallen victim to an elaborate scam, a promise of high returns that had turned into my worst nightmare.I had always been cautious with my investments, but these scammers were professionals. They posed as a legitimate crypto investment firm, complete with a polished website, convincing testimonials, and even fake regulatory approvals. Their scheme was perfect—until it wasn’t. After weeks of trying to recover my funds on my own, filing complaints, and chasing shadows, I almost gave up. That’s when I stumbled upon Galaxy Ethical Tech, a company renowned for its expertise in ethical tech solutions and cryptocurrency fraud recovery. Skeptical yet desperate, I reached out to Galaxy Ethical Tech through their official website. Within hours, I received a response from their lead investigator, Daniel Carter. His calm yet confident tone gave me a renewed sense of hope. We’ve handled cases like yours before,” he assured me. “If the scammers haven’t moved your Bitcoin through an extensive network of tumblers, there’s a good chance we can track it. I handed over all the details—wallet addresses, transaction IDs, emails, and even chat logs with the scammers. Within 48 hours, their team of blockchain analysts got to work.Galaxy Ethical Tech used advanced blockchain forensics to trace the movement of my stolen Bitcoin. Every transaction left a digital footprint, and with their AI-driven tracking tools, they followed the money trail. It turned out that the scammers had transferred my Bitcoin through a series of crypto mixers, attempting to break the chain of traceability. However, Galaxy Ethical Tech had access to specialized de-anonymization algorithms and partnerships with global cybersecurity agencies. One breakthrough came when they identified a suspicious transaction leading to a centralized exchange. Using legal channels and law enforcement partnerships, they froze the scammer’s wallet before they could cash out.After two intense weeks, I received an email from Galaxy Ethical Tech: We’ve recovered your lost Bitcoin. Expect the full amount in your wallet within 24 hours. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I checked my wallet obsessively until, finally, my 300,000 BTC was back.You don’t know what this means to me,” I said, my voice shaking.He chuckled. “Just another day at Galaxy Ethical Tech. Stay safe, and always verify before you trust. Losing my Bitcoin was a nightmare, but it taught me valuable lessons: Never trust unsolicited investment opportunities. Always verify the legitimacy of crypto platforms. Use secure wallets and enable two-factor authentication. If scammed, act fast and contact professionals like Galaxy Ethical Tech.Thanks to their ethical approach and cutting-edge technology, I got a second chance. If you ever find yourself in a crypto scam, don’t lose hope—there are still heroes in the digital world.

contact them via Email: galaxyethicaltech@mail.com Whatsapp: +15072712442 Telegram: Galaxy_ethical_tech

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mark john 5 hours ago
Gloucester-Hartpury and Saracens dig deep to set up PWR final

It was a cold evening when I realized I had lost everything. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at my empty crypto wallet. Three hundred thousand dollars’ worth of Bitcoin—gone. I had fallen victim to an elaborate scam, a promise of high returns that had turned into my worst nightmare.I had always been cautious with my investments, but these scammers were professionals. They posed as a legitimate crypto investment firm, complete with a polished website, convincing testimonials, and even fake regulatory approvals. Their scheme was perfect—until it wasn’t. After weeks of trying to recover my funds on my own, filing complaints, and chasing shadows, I almost gave up. That’s when I stumbled upon Galaxy Ethical Tech, a company renowned for its expertise in ethical tech solutions and cryptocurrency fraud recovery. Skeptical yet desperate, I reached out to Galaxy Ethical Tech through their official website. Within hours, I received a response from their lead investigator, Daniel Carter. His calm yet confident tone gave me a renewed sense of hope. We’ve handled cases like yours before,” he assured me. “If the scammers haven’t moved your Bitcoin through an extensive network of tumblers, there’s a good chance we can track it. I handed over all the details—wallet addresses, transaction IDs, emails, and even chat logs with the scammers. Within 48 hours, their team of blockchain analysts got to work.Galaxy Ethical Tech used advanced blockchain forensics to trace the movement of my stolen Bitcoin. Every transaction left a digital footprint, and with their AI-driven tracking tools, they followed the money trail. It turned out that the scammers had transferred my Bitcoin through a series of crypto mixers, attempting to break the chain of traceability. However, Galaxy Ethical Tech had access to specialized de-anonymization algorithms and partnerships with global cybersecurity agencies. One breakthrough came when they identified a suspicious transaction leading to a centralized exchange. Using legal channels and law enforcement partnerships, they froze the scammer’s wallet before they could cash out.After two intense weeks, I received an email from Galaxy Ethical Tech: We’ve recovered your lost Bitcoin. Expect the full amount in your wallet within 24 hours. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I checked my wallet obsessively until, finally, my 300,000 BTC was back.You don’t know what this means to me,” I said, my voice shaking.He chuckled. “Just another day at Galaxy Ethical Tech. Stay safe, and always verify before you trust. Losing my Bitcoin was a nightmare, but it taught me valuable lessons: Never trust unsolicited investment opportunities. Always verify the legitimacy of crypto platforms. Use secure wallets and enable two-factor authentication. If scammed, act fast and contact professionals like Galaxy Ethical Tech.Thanks to their ethical approach and cutting-edge technology, I got a second chance. If you ever find yourself in a crypto scam, don’t lose hope—there are still heroes in the digital world.

contact them via Email: galaxyethicaltech@mail.com Whatsapp: +15072712442 Telegram: Galaxy_ethical_tech

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mark john 5 hours ago
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It was a cold evening when I realized I had lost everything. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at my empty crypto wallet. Three hundred thousand dollars’ worth of Bitcoin—gone. I had fallen victim to an elaborate scam, a promise of high returns that had turned into my worst nightmare.I had always been cautious with my investments, but these scammers were professionals. They posed as a legitimate crypto investment firm, complete with a polished website, convincing testimonials, and even fake regulatory approvals. Their scheme was perfect—until it wasn’t. After weeks of trying to recover my funds on my own, filing complaints, and chasing shadows, I almost gave up. That’s when I stumbled upon Galaxy Ethical Tech, a company renowned for its expertise in ethical tech solutions and cryptocurrency fraud recovery. Skeptical yet desperate, I reached out to Galaxy Ethical Tech through their official website. Within hours, I received a response from their lead investigator, Daniel Carter. His calm yet confident tone gave me a renewed sense of hope. We’ve handled cases like yours before,” he assured me. “If the scammers haven’t moved your Bitcoin through an extensive network of tumblers, there’s a good chance we can track it. I handed over all the details—wallet addresses, transaction IDs, emails, and even chat logs with the scammers. Within 48 hours, their team of blockchain analysts got to work.Galaxy Ethical Tech used advanced blockchain forensics to trace the movement of my stolen Bitcoin. Every transaction left a digital footprint, and with their AI-driven tracking tools, they followed the money trail. It turned out that the scammers had transferred my Bitcoin through a series of crypto mixers, attempting to break the chain of traceability. However, Galaxy Ethical Tech had access to specialized de-anonymization algorithms and partnerships with global cybersecurity agencies. One breakthrough came when they identified a suspicious transaction leading to a centralized exchange. Using legal channels and law enforcement partnerships, they froze the scammer’s wallet before they could cash out.After two intense weeks, I received an email from Galaxy Ethical Tech: We’ve recovered your lost Bitcoin. Expect the full amount in your wallet within 24 hours. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I checked my wallet obsessively until, finally, my 300,000 BTC was back.You don’t know what this means to me,” I said, my voice shaking.He chuckled. “Just another day at Galaxy Ethical Tech. Stay safe, and always verify before you trust. Losing my Bitcoin was a nightmare, but it taught me valuable lessons: Never trust unsolicited investment opportunities. Always verify the legitimacy of crypto platforms. Use secure wallets and enable two-factor authentication. If scammed, act fast and contact professionals like Galaxy Ethical Tech.Thanks to their ethical approach and cutting-edge technology, I got a second chance. If you ever find yourself in a crypto scam, don’t lose hope—there are still heroes in the digital world.

contact them via Email: galaxyethicaltech@mail.com Whatsapp: +15072712442 Telegram: Galaxy_ethical_tech

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