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France France

Malgré sa défaite face à l'Angleterre, la France reste 4e mondiale

Par Willy Billiard
GLOUCESTER, ANGLETERRE - 07 SEPTEMBRE : Abby Dow (Angleterre) est plaquée lors du match international féminin entre les Red Roses d'Angleterre et la France au Kingsholm Stadium le 07 septembre 2024 à Gloucester, Angleterre. (Photo par David Rogers/Getty Images)

Samedi 7 septembre, l’Angleterre a affronté la France au Kingsholm Stadioum de Gloucester, pour un match retour après le Tournoi des Six Nations féminin 2024.


Tout comme lors du match à Bordeaux, l’Angleterre a dominé, s’imposant 38-19.

Des essais de Marlie Packer, Jess Breach, et Helena Rowland ont permis aux Anglaises de mener 19-0 à la pause. Packer a inscrit un nouvel essai en début de seconde période, suivi de réalisations de Breach et Lucy Packer.

Women's Internationals
England Womens
38 - 19
Temps complet
France Womens
Toutes les stats et les données

Les Françaises Agathe Sochat, Romane Ménager, et Pauline Bourdon-Sansus ont marqué en deuxième mi-temps.

Ce résultat n’a pas d’impact sur le classement des deux équipes, l’Angleterre restant première avec 96,90 points et la France à la quatrième place avec 87,27 points.

De son côté, le Pays de Galles a reculé à la 10e position du classement mondial féminin de World Rugby après avoir été battu 40-14 par l’Écosse au Hive Stadium d’Édimbourg le vendredi 6 septembre.

L’équipe de Ioan Cunningham, remaniée pour l’occasion, menait 7-5 à la mi-temps lors de ce match de préparation au WXV 2, grâce à un essai de Megan Webb qui répondait à celui d’Evie Gallagher.

Cependant, en deuxième période, l’Écosse a pris le contrôle du match, marquant des essais décisifs, dont deux doublés par Francesca McGhie et Chloe Rollie, ainsi qu’un essai supplémentaire par Meryl Smith.

Women's Internationals
Scotland Womens
40 - 14
Temps complet
Wales Womens
Toutes les stats et les données

Nel Metcalfe a inscrit un essai pour le Pays de Galles en toute fin de match, évitant ainsi ce qui aurait été la plus lourde défaite face à l’Écosse. Malgré tout, le score final marque un nouveau record pour l’Écosse, surpassant le précédent de 36 points établi en 2000.

Avec une perte de 0,79 point, le Pays de Galles se retrouve avec 73,49 points, derrière l’Italie et l’Irlande, classées respectivement 8e et 9e.

De son côté, l’Écosse conserve sa 6e place, avec une amélioration de son score à 76,78 points, se rapprochant de l’Australie, qui est 5e avec 78 points.



J-1 an avant la Coupe du Monde de Rugby Féminin !
À exactement un an du coup d'envoi de la Coupe du Monde de Rugby Féminin 2025 en Angleterre, qui se déroulera à Sunderland, l'excitation grandit dans le pays hôte. Cet événement promet d'être la plus grande et la plus accessible célébration du rugby féminin de l'histoire. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour accéder à la prévente des billets.




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Jonathan Foster 2 hours ago
Scott Lawrence: 'I think the forward pass for the Fiji try was a pivotal moment in the game'

In this match, Fiji’s performance was exceptional, and the statistics reflect that they were the superior team on the day.

For instance:

Possession: Fiji controlled 59% of the possession during the match, while the USA only had 41% (RugbyPass, 2024). This allowed Fiji to apply constant pressure on USA’s defense and create more opportunities for scoring.

Territory: Fiji spent 64% of the match in USA’s half, keeping the Americans under sustained pressure (World Rugby, 2024).

Offensive Play: Fiji made 7 line breaks, compared to USA’s 3. In addition, Fiji completed 12 offloads while USA only managed 5, highlighting Fiji's superior attacking ability and ball handling (World Rugby, 2024).

Scrums and Rucks: Fiji was dominant in the scrums, winning 100% of their own scrums (8 out of 8), whereas USA only won 71% of theirs (5 out of 7).

Additionally, Fiji won 6 turnovers compared to USA’s 2 (ESPN, 2024). This scrummaging and breakdown superiority was a critical factor in controlling the game.

Additionally, while forward passes can be contentious, it’s important to note that USA was also guilty of making 3 forward passes during the match, which resulted in lost opportunities and turnovers (RugbyPass, 2024).

These key errors disrupted momentum and contributed to their inability to maintain a sustained attack.


ESPN. (2024). Fiji vs USA match report. Retrieved from https://www.espn.com/rugby/match

RugbyPass. (2024). Scott Lawrence on the Fiji match and forward pass controversy. Retrieved from https://www.rugbypass.com/news

World Rugby. (2024). Fiji triumphs over USA in a thrilling encounter. Retrieved from https://www.world.rugby.com

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JW 4 hours ago
‘Did Conrad really score that many’: Rieko Ioane dismisses All Blacks drought

Indeed, but I also appreciate how Razor now has him covering the backfield more. Are they conflicting uses? Who was it that covered the Arg game, John(?), no it was a YTer (squidge?) suggested Jordies role was to chase and support the wing for a tap back.

That turnover try was actually a great example of were Jordies boot could have been used for territory instead of attacking (contestable). Hansen talking again about 'learnings' about what part of the field they want to play in. I would have thought that would be a basic principle about how the coaches want to play and it would be a bit late now to be learning that.

Nevrtheless we wait and see. One Barretts carrying though I'd suggest he only has a mandate to bring some physicality, not in how he does it. You can see how out of kilter he gets when he tries to do anything other than a simple cart up and pop. Just look at least week when he had two players on the outside to hit in multiple ways and he just indecisively takes the tackle before giving a poor overhead pop. That he still got the pass away hints at what he is "capable of" but as you saw, with free license, its just far off the mark. I've decided Rieko is my 12 from now on. I'd like Jordie to remain primarly at 12 at the Hurricans, as I feel that's were his best alround game can be kept in good shape, and you never know perhaps he will fill into the position after a while, but I'd like to try other centers essentially. But yes, if Razor/Hansen can get both him and Dmac humming in partnership they could also essentially cover many of the fb roles which aren't Jordans strength. Also obv happy to see Rieko tried on the wing just now I think that's more likely to fail than a Rieko/Proctor midfield.

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