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Ospreys pair humiliated homeless man in 'totally unacceptable' video

By Ian Cameron
Ospreys badge.

The Ospreys have confirmed that two players who made a humiliating video of a homeless man in Cardiff will now work with a homeless charity.


Callum Carson and Matthew Aubrey were both suspended after the clip caused outrage online in March.

The pair published a Snapchat video in which Wales Sevens international Carson lay down beside a homeless person in Cardiff before making mock pelvic thrusts against their back.

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The URC side have now completed an investigation and today released a statement: “The Ospreys can confirm that a full and thorough independent disciplinary process has been concluded in relation to the incident on March 7th , 2022, involving Callum Carson and Matthew Aubrey.

“Carson, 23, and Aubrey, 24, were investigated separately and during those investigations accepted full responsibility for their actions and demonstrated remorse for their behaviour.

“Both players are fully aware that their actions were totally unacceptable and of their responsibilities to the Ospreys and the wider community who they represent.

“The recommended disciplinary sanction has been imposed on them and in addition they will undertake volunteer work with The Wallich Welsh charity helping people who are homeless.”


Both apologized for their actions to their friends, family, teammates and the rough sleeper that was the subject of the video.

Callum Carson, said: “Firstly, I would like to apologise to the person involved for my behaviour and lack of respect towards them. Then, I have to say sorry, to my family, my friends, my teammates and the Ospreys and the supporters for the embarrassment caused by my actions.”

Matthew Aubrey, said: “I want to say sorry to everybody for what happened and there are no excuses for my behaviour on that night. I know how much distress and embarrassment it has caused everybody close to me and everyone involved with the Ospreys.”

“The Ospreys will be making no further comment,” the statement concluded. The video was published online here.


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