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L'ancien international anglais Tom Voyce présumé mort

Tom Voyce avec les Wasps contre le Stade Toulousain de Yannick Jauzion et Émile Ntamack en finale de la Coupe d'Europe 2004 (Photo de Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)

L’ancien joueur de rugby anglais Tom Voyce est présumé mort après avoir été emporté par les eaux d’une rivière au volant de sa voiture dans le nord de l’Angleterre, frappée ce week-end par la tempête Darragh, a indiqué mardi la police locale.


Dans un communiqué, la police de la région de Northumbria a déclaré avoir retrouvé son véhicule, mais « malheureusement Tom n’a pas encore été localisé. Nous pensons que lors de ses tentatives pour sortir (de la voiture), il a été emporté et est malheureusement mort. »

La police a été prévenue dimanche de la disparition de l’ancien international anglais de 43 ans, qui a porté le maillot du XV de la Rose à neuf reprises entre 2001 et 2006.

« Il n’était pas rentré chez lui après une sortie avec des amis » et depuis, « des recherches intensives ont été menées. »

« Nous soupçonnons que Tom a tenté de traverser (la rivière Aln) dans sa voiture, qui a ensuite été emportée par le courant », ont ajouté les forces de l’ordre, qui affirment poursuivre leurs recherches malgré des « circonstances difficiles. »

Ce week-end, le niveau de la rivière « s’est considérablement élevé à cause des pluies exceptionnellement fortes », a indiqué la superintendante en chef de la police de Northumbria, Helena Barron.


La tempête Darragh, qui a frappé ce week-end le Royaume-Uni, a provoqué la mort de deux personnes, tuées par la chute d’arbres sur leur véhicule dans le nord-ouest et le centre de l’Angleterre.


La tempête a également entrainé de fortes perturbations dans les transports et des coupures de courant pour des dizaines de milliers de foyers.

Durant sa carrière, Tom Voyce avait notamment porté le maillot de Bath et des London Wasps. Il avait pris sa retraite en 2013.

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JW 28 minutes ago
Six former All Blacks eligible for new nations in 2025

The 14-time All Black is contracted with New Zealand Rugby until 2026 after signing a two-year deal in May 2024.

None of the players on this list who are contracted to NZR can play for another nation Jed, part of their contract (any in NZ) is declaring for the All Blacks.

I doubt Sotutu would represent England either, they have to be one of the most stacked nations for flankers already, far more likely to be an AB. Plus (if he were to play for England this year) they would have to spend a huge amount to get him out of that declaration contract with NZR and they are already skint.

It does raise the interesting question of what sort of ratio/balance England players make up their pay from now, it has heavily increased towards International side (even if they don't win caps)? That would make it even hard, has previoulsy I think most people switching (like Shields) just viewed playing for England as icing on the cake, and the club deals themselves had to provide compeling (money) reason to leave NZ.

The three examples I'm most excited about would be if Sotutu signs in Japan with a view to playing at the highest level with Fiji (easy to see he will only be a bit part All Black unless things really go his way) in time for 2027 (NZR could even work out a 'fair play' deal with Fiji and Japan to allow him to represent earlier), and I think Shaun Stevenson has some island (Samoa) eligibility and could play from next year, alongside Ioane. Currently the Island teams are still not getting much respect from their players, and possibly that due to the unions themselves prioritizing local and WC focus, so with WR stepping up and returning the PNC with some meaning, in line for the Nations Cup, it's a great time for NZ and Australia to step up and take a lead too. Really get involved in raising profile say a tournament in Melbourne (who provide a local team themselves) that has like a Maori All Black quality invitation side included to raise the PNCs profile.

Even someone like Bower is well in the All Black frame still, but why not NZR say do a deal with Japan (for the local scene) and Fiji, say along the lines of the recent Stevenson deal with he plays both the JRLO and most of Super Rugby. He is a bit of a talisman, doing the All Black social videos during the Rugby World Cup, he could continue to link well with all three nations, added much needed experience to NZ development sides young players, Captaining the Drua and Fiji, and doing fan engagement work in Japan while playing etc (not sure if he was looking long term into that as a career, it would be good experience). Imagine the quality him, Sotutu, big Gus, drawing more quality in some of Flying Fijian's european stars coming back. Actually allow them to creaet a business product, as currently their ownly value is being opposition to other teams (playing overseas in places like San Diego). Actually give them a competition and players the rest of the world wants to pay money to watch.

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