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Saturday's Benetton vs Munster PRO14 match is off

(Photo by Diarmuid Greene/Sportsfile via Getty Images)

A Guinness PRO14 match involving Benetton has been postponed for the second successive weekend due to Covid. The Italian side were initially due to play at Connacht last Sunday. That round four match fell by the wayside and now their round five game against Munster, another Irish team, has also been called off with a view to rescheduling it for some time in 2021. 


A statement from the PRO14 read: “The round five Guinness fixture between Benetton and Munster has been postponed. “The game was due to take place on Saturday, November 7, in Treviso. 

“However, Benetton have reported that three players have returned positive cases of Covid-19 and that four other players identified as close contacts are now isolating. 

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“Having considered all of the available evidence, the PRO14 Rugby Medical Advisory Group has deemed that this fixture cannot go ahead as scheduled. PRO14 Rugby will examine potential dates in early 2021 to reschedule the game.”

First-time quarter-finalists in 2019, Benetton have been having a hard time since rugby restarted in Italy. All three matches of the new 2020/21 season have been lost, leaving them bottom of Conference B with just a single point, 16 behind group leaders Munster.

The admission that they are three positive tests in the Benetton ranks with four players also identified as close contacts is more information than was put out when last weekend’s match in Galway was called off. The PRO14 statement announcing that call-off vaguely read: “Benetton will not be able to travel due to a small number of isolated positive cases of Covid-19. 

“Public health guidelines in Italy currently prevent the Benetton squad from resuming rugby activities. As a result, the fixture cannot take place as planned. PRO14 Rugby can also confirm that Scarlets, who Benetton played in round three, have returned negative results from their PCR testing this week.”





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Nickers 2 hours ago
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I've never understood why Razor stayed on in NZ after winning 3 SR titles in a row. Surely at that point it's time to look for the next thing, which at that stage of his career should not have been the ABs, and arguably still shouldn't be given his lack of experience in International rugby. What was gained by staying on at the Crusaders to win 4 more titles?

2 years in the premiership, 2 years as an assistant international coach, then 4 years taking a team through a WC cycle would have given him what he needed to be the best ABs coach. As it is he is learning on the job, and his inexperience shows even more when he surrounds himself with assistant coaches who have no top international experience either.

He is being faced with extreme adversity and pressure now, possibly for the first time in his coaching career. Maybe he will come through well and maybe he won't, but the point is the coaching selection process is so flawed that he is doing it for the first time while in arguably the top coaching job in world rugby. It's like your first job out of university being the CEO of Microsoft or Google.

There was talk of him going to England if the ABs didn't get him, that would have been perfect in my opinion. That is a super high pressure environment and NZR would have been way better off letting him learn the trade with someone else's team. I predicted when Razor was appointed that he would be axed or resign after 2 years then go on to have a lot of success in his next appointment. I hope that doesn't happen because it will mean a lot of turmoil for the ABs, but it's not unthinkable. Many of his moves so far look exactly like the early days of Foster's era when he too was flanked by coaches who were not up to the job. I would like to see some combination of Cotter, Joseph, Brown, and Felix Jones come into the set up.

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