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The game in this country is about more than just the All Blacks

The sun sets over a scrum during the Bunnings Warehouse NPC Quarter Final match between Canterbury and Auckland at Apollo Projects Stadium, on October 06, 2023, in Christchurch, New Zealand. (Photo by Peter Meecham/Getty Images)

So who is running rugby in New Zealand?

Prior to Thursday’s governance vote, I’d have said it was New Zealand Rugby Players’ Association (NZRPA) chief executive Rob Nichol.


But the decision of our provincial unions to resoundingly vote against the proposal Nichol championed severely undermines his authority, if not actually making his position untenable.

Nichol huffed and puffed about forming a rogue governing body, if the provincial unions didn’t cast a vote of liking.

Well, in the post-vote interview I heard with him, Nichol wasn’t nearly so strident.

Maybe the players he purports to represent felt he’d overplayed his hand? Either way, his days running that particular trade union should be numbered.

Similar could be said for New Zealand Rugby (NZR) chief executive Mark Robinson.

After all, NZR endorsed the same defeated proposal Nichol did. Or maybe they were just doing what Nichol had told them to, given the whip hand he’s held for so long.

Either way, if the NZR chief executive can’t rally the provincial delegates, then what place does he have running the outfit at all?


So good on the provincial unions for exercising their constitutional right to choose between Proposal 1 and Proposal 2.

The problem is that, despite showing their contempt for the NZRPA and the NZR board in opting for Proposal 2, the provincial unions don’t run the game either.

They don’t control the existing board and, with just three representatives on the nine-strong board that will now have to be formed, they’ll be outnumbered by independents then too.

It really is a shambles, which will come as no great surprise to an increasingly-exasperated fanbase.


Nichol, having struck a more conciliatory tone than he did prior to the vote, is talking about working constructively with NZR and other stakeholders to convene a body that represents the high performance part of the game i.e., the pampered few.

So what’s New Zealand Rugby Commercial, then?

I mean, this is all about money at the end of the day and that separate entity exists solely for the purpose of monetising the All Blacks.

How many quasi governing bodies does the NZRPA need before it can feel assured that the game is being run in the best interests of its members?

I heard Nichol talking all sorts of junk on Thursday about the NZRPA being more committed to grassroots and community rugby than anyone, but I doubt many people buy that.

If I saw a commitment to the beating, participatory heart of the game this week, it came from the provincial unions and no-one else.

It was them who, in words and deeds, sent the message that the game in this country is about more than just the All Blacks.

Nichol can continue rubbishing Proposal 2 and the people who voted for it but, to me, it was always a far more palatable option for fans and volunteers across the country.

So, on that score, I heartily congratulate the provincial unions on reminding Nichol that he doesn’t call all the shots here.

Ultimately, though, it still leaves us with a leadership vacuum.

It’s too early to speculate on who or what might fill it.

But what’s clear is that those who championed Proposal 1 have been defeated and need to exit the stage.

They sought a mandate to lead rugby in a different direction and it was roundly rejected.


Watch the exclusive reveal-all episode of Walk the Talk with Ardie Savea as he chats to Jim Hamilton about the RWC 2023 experience, life in Japan, playing for the All Blacks and what the future holds. Watch now for free on RugbyPass TV


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Greg 31 days ago

Put your head back in the sand, Hamish. Hope Nichol delivers on his threat and the PU fish-heads discover exactly what it is they own when the cash subsidy stops trickling down from the top - sweet fa.

Nickers 32 days ago

This article ignores much of the actual facts.

The outcome of the Pilkington Review is that PUs are not capable of running their own organisations, let alone a modern multi billion dollar company.

The details of proposal 2, especially around the formation of the GAP and ARP still gives outsized voting rights to the PUs, who have proven incapable stewards of the game. On their watch the game in NZ has deteriorated by every measure - yet they have given themselves pass marks on every previous review they have done of themselves.

Proposal 2 allows for the very few capable people who will be on the board to be outvoted by the status quo.

It’s a shame Nichol seems to be all talk about the pro players splitting off. It is the best thing that could have happened for all parties.

Jmann 32 days ago

It is time the amateur and professional game in NZ split entirely with the NPC becoming entirely amateur. High school rugby should be run by local clubs with the exception of the elite rugby schools who are essentially feeders to the Super Franchises anyway. Also if League is going to continue to dangle contracts in front of the noses of our elite 15 year olds… maybe SR franchises should step in and do the same.

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Shaylen 2 hours ago
Should rugby take the road less travelled?

If rugby chooses to embrace flair then it may err too much towards it and may become too much like league with the set piece becoming inconsequential in which case it becomes repetitive. If rugby chooses power then it becomes a slow drab affair with endless amounts of big men coming off the bench. Rugby needs to embrace both sides of the coin. It needs to have laws receptive to the power game but also laws that appreciate flair and running rugby. Where contrasting styles meet it generates interest because one side could beat the other with completely different plans as long as they execute their gameplan better and show great skill within their own plan. The maul and scrum should not be depowered at the same time laws that protect the team in possession should also be put in place with a clear emphasis to clean up and simplify the ruck and favour the attacking side while allowing a fair chance for the poacher to have an impact. Thus we set the stage between teams that want to build phases vs teams that want dominance in the set piece who slow the game down and play more without the ball off counterattack. The game needs to allow each type of team an opportunity to dominate the other. It needs to be a game for all shapes and sizes, for the agile and the less subtle. It needs to be a game of skill that also embraces the simplicity of the little things that allows teams of all qualities to stand a chance.

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