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Top 14 : l’autre replay (1re journée)

Malgré la défaite face au Stade Toulousain, le RC Vannes a fait une entrée remarquée en Top 14 (Photo by FRED TANNEAU/AFP via Getty Images).

Émotion(s), spectacle et première historique : RugbyPass dresse son bilan du week-end du 7-8 septembre 2024 en Top 14.

Ce qu’il restera du week-end : des hommages pour une même émotion

Ce sont des lignes que nous aurions préféré ne jamais écrire.


Medhi Narjissi était l’un des jeunes espoirs du rugby français, qui a su lui rendre le plus beau des hommages sur toutes ses pelouses.

Disparu en mer près du Cap de Bonne Espérance alors qu’il était en déplacement en Afrique du Sud avec l’équipe de France des moins de 18 ans, le jeune joueur du Stade Toulousain, originaire d’Agen, a reçu les hommages de tous les acteurs du Top 14 et de Pro D2.

Sur la pelouse du SU Agen, en Pro D2, les joueurs sont apparus vêtus d’un t-shirt en son hommage. À Vannes, le capitaine Francisco Gorrissen a remis à son homologue Julien Marchand un maillot du RCV floqué du nom de Medhi, alors que La Rabine est entrée dans une vibrante minute d’applaudissements. Par ailleurs, une minute de recueillement ou d’applaudissement a été respectée sur tous les terrains.

La rédaction de RugbyPass France envoie tout son soutien à la famille, aux proches, aux amis de Medhi Narjissi ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes affectées par sa disparition.

Les actions du week-end : l’essai de Yann Lesgourgues

Il est courant, en première journée de championnat, de voir du spectacle et de l’enthousiasme. Les équipes ne sont pas dans le calcul, elles ne sont pas – encore – sous une quelconque pression du résultat et n’ont souvent qu’une envie : envoyer du jeu.

S’il est bien un match qui a fait vibrer le public, c’est l’affiche entre l’UBB et le Stade Français. Parmi les dix essais inscrits lors de ce festival offensif, Louis Bielle-Biarrey et Matthieu Jalibert ont brillé par leur mouvement collectif fait d’une-deux et de timing parfait au niveau des courses sur l’aile gauche pour envoyer Yann Lesgourgues à l’essai comme à l’entraînement.

Ce festival (46-26) s’est toutefois soldé sans le point de bonus offensif pour les hôtes après une bévue de Damian Penaud, qui a envoyé le ballon en touche à la main en pensant mettre fin à la rencontre. Les Parisiens ont marqué leur 4e essai dans la foulée de la pénalité. Une petite frustration au vu de la prestation.


La décla du week-end : « Une belle branlée ! »

Sébastien Piqueronies, entraîneur de Pau, n’a pas mâché ses mots à l’issue de la défaite sur la pelouse de Clermont. Annoncés comme de potentiels outsiders après un bel exercice 2023/24, les Palois ont pris « une tarte dans la gueule » d’après leur coach.

« 29-0 en deuxième période, c’est une belle branlée ! On l’a méritée et j’espère qu’on va vraiment démarrer notre saison dès le week-end prochain. »

La Section est la seule équipe à avoir marqué moins de 10 points lors de cette première journée. Mais l’heure n’est pas au fatalisme. « On a 25 journées pour montrer un autre visage et j’attends une réaction dès le week-end prochain. »

Pau reçoit Bayonne au Hameau pour le compte de la deuxième journée.

L’homme du week-end : Christian Ambadiang

Quel week-end pour Christian Ambadiang. Le Camerounais s’est d’abord illustré par son retour défensif sur Max Spring, qui fonçait à l’essai. « Je suis venu à Castres parce que c’est un club de combattants et je suis un combattant moi aussi. J’ai tout donné, mais je n’étais pas sûr de le rattraper. »


L’ailier, ancien joueur de Nevers, a ensuite été remplacé. Mais, fait assez rare pour un ailier, il est retourné sur le terrain quelques minutes plus tard. Et Jeremy Davidson a eu le nez creux. Après un gros travail de déplacement et de fixation de Botitu, Ambadiang a flirté avec la ligne pour finalement offrir l’essai de la gagne aux Castrais après la sirène alors qu’ils venaient de se faire doubler au tableau d’affichage.

Après avoir marqué, le Castrais, très ému, a fondu en larmes. « C’est tout le groupe qui m’a aidé et qui a gagné, mais personnellement, je dédie cette victoire à ma grand-mère, décédée. »

Un superbe hommage de la part d’un superbe joueur.

Dans les faits : Lyon, un déplacement qui fait du bien

Cela faisait 581 jours que Lyon n’avait plus gagné en déplacement en Top 14.

Sur la pelouse de Montpellier, chez qui ils s’étaient lourdement inclinés 41-26 en fin de saison dernière, les Lyonnais ont prouvé qu’ils voulaient en finir avec cette malédiction.

« L’année dernière, nous étions les premiers à déplorer le manque de contenu à l’extérieur. Aujourd’hui, on a mis l’engagement qu’il fallait et la détermination pour gagner. Effort et solidarité, on avait insisté là-dessus », a salué Julien Puricelli, entraîneur de la touche du LOU, à l’issue de la rencontre.

Il reste désormais aux Lyonnais à continuer sur cette lancée s’ils veulent viser un top 6.


Le chiffre du week-end : 11 792

Alors que La Rabine avait déjà enregistré la plus belle affluence moyenne de Pro D2 la saison passée – pour la deuxième saison de suite – les Vannetais ont vécu une première historique contre le Stade Toulousain.

Ils sont 11 792 spectateurs à avoir vécu ce moment unique pour le club, qui disputait son premier match de Top 14 contre le Stade Toulousain. Si Vannes s’est incliné et a payé le prix de l’inexpérience face aux champions de France et d’Europe en titre, le public vannetais a régalé par son ambiance extraordinaire, notamment en restant totalement muet lors des tentatives de Thomas Ramos au pied.

« Je n’avais pas besoin de venir à La Rabine pour voir que le respect de la discipline, le respect des buteurs, le respect de l’équipe adverse et l’enthousiasme que ce club et cette région mettent derrière cette équipe est remarquable. » Tels étaient les mots d’Ugo Mola, coach de Toulouse, à l’issue de la rencontre.

Quant à Thomas Ramos et François Cros, ils ont tous deux souhaité le meilleur à leurs adversaires du jour au micro de Canal +. Aux commentaires, même Éric Bayle et Marc Lièvremont, qui ont tout de même quelques matchs de rugby à leur actif, n’ont pu cacher leur plaisir face à un si beau public.

À suivre…

La deuxième journée de Top 14 s’ouvre à Mayol, où Toulon, intéressant mais trop indiscipliné pour gagner contre La Rochelle, accueille un Castres Olympique qui s’est imposé sur le fil face au Racing 92, désormais orphelin de Siya Kolisi.

Vannes va connaître son premier déplacement à Jean-Bouin face au Stade Français, qui voudra se reprendre après la lourde défaite contre Bordeaux. Mais le choc de cette journée se tient dimanche 15 septembre, à 21h05, au Stade Ernest-Wallon, pour ce qui est devenu un classique du championnat ces dernières saisons : Toulouse – La Rochelle.

Top 14

Stade Rochelais
Racing 92
Stade Francais

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loriehardy52 1 hour ago
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It was supposed to be a dream trip, a long-awaited journey from the USA to China to visit family and explore new places. I had spent months planning every detail, from the itinerary to the accommodations. But what started as excitement quickly turned into a nightmare when I fell victim to a fake flight ticket scam, losing $580,000 in the process. The betrayal I felt was indescribable. I had trusted the website, which looked legitimate, and even received what appeared to be a confirmation email. It wasn’t until I arrived at the airport that I realized I had been scammed. The ticket was fake, and my money was gone.I felt a mix of anger, embarrassment, and helplessness. How could I have been so careless? I had worked so hard to save for this trip, and now it was all gone. I reported the incident to the authorities, but I was told that recovering the funds would be nearly impossible. That’s when I stumbled upon Hack Buster Recovery. At first, I was skeptical after all, I had already been scammed once. But I was desperate, and their reviews seemed genuine. I decided to take a chance and reached out to them. From the very first interaction, the team at Hack Buster Recovery was professional and empathetic. They listened to my story, asked for all the necessary details, and assured me they would do everything in their power to help. Their confidence gave me hope. Over the next few days, they kept me updated on their progress, explaining each step of the recovery process in a way that was easy to understand. I was amazed by their expertise and dedication.To my absolute astonishment, within a week, Hack Buster Recovery successfully recovered my $580,000. I couldn’t believe it. The relief and gratitude I felt were overwhelming. They not only got my money back but also restored my faith in humanity. Their team went above and beyond to ensure I was taken care of, and I will forever be grateful for their incredible work.This taught me a valuable lesson about being cautious online, but it also showed me that there are still good people out there willing to help. Hack Buster Recovery is a true lifesaver, and I can’t recommend them enough. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t lose hope and reach out to them. They are nothing short of incredible. Use the information below to reach them for more details.

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loriehardy52 1 hour ago
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It was supposed to be a dream trip, a long-awaited journey from the USA to China to visit family and explore new places. I had spent months planning every detail, from the itinerary to the accommodations. But what started as excitement quickly turned into a nightmare when I fell victim to a fake flight ticket scam, losing $580,000 in the process. The betrayal I felt was indescribable. I had trusted the website, which looked legitimate, and even received what appeared to be a confirmation email. It wasn’t until I arrived at the airport that I realized I had been scammed. The ticket was fake, and my money was gone.I felt a mix of anger, embarrassment, and helplessness. How could I have been so careless? I had worked so hard to save for this trip, and now it was all gone. I reported the incident to the authorities, but I was told that recovering the funds would be nearly impossible. That’s when I stumbled upon Hack Buster Recovery. At first, I was skeptical after all, I had already been scammed once. But I was desperate, and their reviews seemed genuine. I decided to take a chance and reached out to them. From the very first interaction, the team at Hack Buster Recovery was professional and empathetic. They listened to my story, asked for all the necessary details, and assured me they would do everything in their power to help. Their confidence gave me hope. Over the next few days, they kept me updated on their progress, explaining each step of the recovery process in a way that was easy to understand. I was amazed by their expertise and dedication.To my absolute astonishment, within a week, Hack Buster Recovery successfully recovered my $580,000. I couldn’t believe it. The relief and gratitude I felt were overwhelming. They not only got my money back but also restored my faith in humanity. Their team went above and beyond to ensure I was taken care of, and I will forever be grateful for their incredible work.This taught me a valuable lesson about being cautious online, but it also showed me that there are still good people out there willing to help. Hack Buster Recovery is a true lifesaver, and I can’t recommend them enough. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t lose hope and reach out to them. They are nothing short of incredible. Use the information below to reach them for more details.

EMAIL: hackbusterrecovery@usa.com

WHATSAPP: +12092944699

WEBSITE: hackbusters.online

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loriehardy52 1 hour ago
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It was supposed to be a dream trip, a long-awaited journey from the USA to China to visit family and explore new places. I had spent months planning every detail, from the itinerary to the accommodations. But what started as excitement quickly turned into a nightmare when I fell victim to a fake flight ticket scam, losing $580,000 in the process. The betrayal I felt was indescribable. I had trusted the website, which looked legitimate, and even received what appeared to be a confirmation email. It wasn’t until I arrived at the airport that I realized I had been scammed. The ticket was fake, and my money was gone.I felt a mix of anger, embarrassment, and helplessness. How could I have been so careless? I had worked so hard to save for this trip, and now it was all gone. I reported the incident to the authorities, but I was told that recovering the funds would be nearly impossible. That’s when I stumbled upon Hack Buster Recovery. At first, I was skeptical after all, I had already been scammed once. But I was desperate, and their reviews seemed genuine. I decided to take a chance and reached out to them. From the very first interaction, the team at Hack Buster Recovery was professional and empathetic. They listened to my story, asked for all the necessary details, and assured me they would do everything in their power to help. Their confidence gave me hope. Over the next few days, they kept me updated on their progress, explaining each step of the recovery process in a way that was easy to understand. I was amazed by their expertise and dedication.To my absolute astonishment, within a week, Hack Buster Recovery successfully recovered my $580,000. I couldn’t believe it. The relief and gratitude I felt were overwhelming. They not only got my money back but also restored my faith in humanity. Their team went above and beyond to ensure I was taken care of, and I will forever be grateful for their incredible work.This taught me a valuable lesson about being cautious online, but it also showed me that there are still good people out there willing to help. Hack Buster Recovery is a true lifesaver, and I can’t recommend them enough. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t lose hope and reach out to them. They are nothing short of incredible. Use the information below to reach them for more details.

EMAIL: hackbusterrecovery@usa.com

WHATSAPP: +12092944699

WEBSITE: hackbusters.online

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ballard marisol 2 hours ago
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It all started when I was lured into investing by an FX trader I met on Instagram. The trader seemed professional and confident, sharing stories of massive returns from their investments. They promised that I could make five times that back within seven days by investing a certain amount. The offer was too good to pass up, and it was a golden opportunity to grow my money. After all, the trader had proof of their success and seemed trustworthy. I decided to invest, and over the next five weeks, I paid a total of $7,200 to the trader's company. Each time I tried to withdraw my funds or the supposed earnings I’d accumulated, they came up with new excuses and reasons why I needed to pay more money before I could access my earnings. They claimed I had to cover additional fees, taxes, or "security deposits" before processing my withdrawal. At first, I hesitated, but with every new claim, they made it seem like I had no other choice if I wanted to see my money again. It was a frustrating and confusing process, and each time I questioned them, they reassured me that I would get my money soon. Eventually, I realized I had been scammed. I was fed up and desperate, but I didn’t know what to do. That’s when, luckily, I stumbled upon a post from someone who had gone through a similar situation. They recommended a company called Tech Cyber Force Recovery, a group of crypto recovery experts who specialize in helping people recover lost funds from fraudulent investment schemes. At first, I was hesitant. After all, I’d already been deceived once, and I wasn’t sure if I could trust another company. However, I decided to take the risk and contacted Tech Cyber Force Recovery. I shared my transaction history and details with them, and within just seven hours, they asked for my wallet address. To my amazement, I received $6,300 back into my wallet. I can’t express how grateful I am to Tech Cyber Force Recovery for their help. They were professional, prompt, and thorough in their approach, and they truly helped me recover a significant portion of my lost money. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to recovery experts like Tech Cyber Force Recovery. They truly made a difference in my case, and I’m incredibly thankful for their support.You can reach out to Tech Cyber Force Recovery MAIL Techcybersforcerecovery@cyberservices.com

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EleanorGribbin 4 hours ago
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I’m reaching out today with a heartfelt plea, hoping my experience can serve as a warning to others. I’m one of the millions who have lost everything to the Vourteige scam, and my story is a painful reminder of how easily trust can be exploited. It all started with promises of high returns: a 5-month contract, 2% monthly withdrawals on a free margin account. Everything sounded too good to be true, but I was drawn in by their convincing tactics and the allure of financial freedom. I trusted them so much that I borrowed a significant amount of money from banks, believing in the legitimacy of this investment. Unfortunately, I failed to see the warning signs and ignored the growing doubts I had.I ended up investing a substantial sum of $450,000, fully expecting to see profits and withdrawals, as promised. But that never happened. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t access any of my funds. The platform’s responses became more vague, and the withdrawals never came through. It soon became clear that I had been scammed, and I was left in a situation that could have led to complete financial ruin.At this point, I felt utterly hopeless. I was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the thought of facing my family, especially my parents, with this news was unbearable. They had no~ idea how~ deep I had gone into this investment, and I couldn’t bear to lose their trust. The shame I felt was overwhelming.But just when I thought there was no way out, I discovered a legitimate recovery team called Trust Geeks Hack Expert Website. www://trustgeekshackexpert.com/ They offered a glimmer of hope when everything seemed lost. The team worked tirelessly to guide me through the process of recovering my funds. Thanks to their dedication, I was able to recover 100% of my lost crypto funds. I can’t express how grateful I am for their expertise, support, and the relief I now feel.I’m sharing my story not to relive the pain, but to warn others. If you’re considering investing in anything that promises high returns with little risk, please do your research. Check trusted websites like Reddit and others to see if others have had similar experiences. Be cautious, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.Lastly, if you find yourself in a situation like mine, don’t give up. There are legitimate recovery teams out there that can help. Protect yourself, your finances, and your loved ones. The risks are real, but there is hope for recovery. E m a i l : info @ trustgeekshackexpert .. com And w h a t's A p p  +1 7 1 9 4 9 2 2 6 9 3

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EleanorGribbin 4 hours ago
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I’m reaching out today with a heartfelt plea, hoping my experience can serve as a warning to others. I’m one of the millions who have lost everything to the Vourteige scam, and my story is a painful reminder of how easily trust can be exploited. It all started with promises of high returns: a 5-month contract, 2% monthly withdrawals on a free margin account. Everything sounded too good to be true, but I was drawn in by their convincing tactics and the allure of financial freedom. I trusted them so much that I borrowed a significant amount of money from banks, believing in the legitimacy of this investment. Unfortunately, I failed to see the warning signs and ignored the growing doubts I had.I ended up investing a substantial sum of $450,000, fully expecting to see profits and withdrawals, as promised. But that never happened. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t access any of my funds. The platform’s responses became more vague, and the withdrawals never came through. It soon became clear that I had been scammed, and I was left in a situation that could have led to complete financial ruin.At this point, I felt utterly hopeless. I was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the thought of facing my family, especially my parents, with this news was unbearable. They had no~ idea how~ deep I had gone into this investment, and I couldn’t bear to lose their trust. The shame I felt was overwhelming.But just when I thought there was no way out, I discovered a legitimate recovery team called Trust Geeks Hack Expert Website. www://trustgeekshackexpert.com/ They offered a glimmer of hope when everything seemed lost. The team worked tirelessly to guide me through the process of recovering my funds. Thanks to their dedication, I was able to recover 100% of my lost crypto funds. I can’t express how grateful I am for their expertise, support, and the relief I now feel.I’m sharing my story not to relive the pain, but to warn others. If you’re considering investing in anything that promises high returns with little risk, please do your research. Check trusted websites like Reddit and others to see if others have had similar experiences. Be cautious, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.Lastly, if you find yourself in a situation like mine, don’t give up. There are legitimate recovery teams out there that can help. Protect yourself, your finances, and your loved ones. The risks are real, but there is hope for recovery. E m a i l : info @ trustgeekshackexpert .. com And w h a t's A p p  +1 7 1 9 4 9 2 2 6 9 3

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