The reviews are in for Rugby 18 and unfortunately, it doesn’t make for pleasant reading for those of us hoping against hope that it might possibly be deemed passable.
The game came out today in the USA and will launch in Europe on Friday the 27th of October.
There have been one or two moderately positive reviews, Thumbsticks gave it a three out of five stars saying, for the most part it was a solid effort and is the best rugby game in twenty years.
We want to believe them, we really do but the following reviews are more in keeping with our expectations, so probably more closely resemble the dashed hopes of true rugby fans across the world right now.
Giving it a total of four out of ten, ‘at full-price, Bigben is demanding an obscene amount of money for a game that feels years behind where it should be,’ said Push Square.
The most damning review so far though has come from GamesRadar, which gave it a solitary one out of five stars.
“Rugby 18 is a dire simulation of the sport, with a paper-thin selection of modes, and relentlessly poor presentation,” said GamesRadar.
“A woefully inadequate representation of one of the world’s most popular games”
If you’re like us and want to believe these reviews are overly harsh, prepare for a reality check, watch the below raw gameplay footage and tell us it doesn’t look atrocious.
Credit: TheOdd1Out